英语人>网络例句>亚硝化 相关的搜索结果


与 亚硝化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ABSTRACT Bacillus halodenitrificans (ATCC 49067), a moderate halophile, facultative anaerobe and Gram-positive denitrifier, reduces both nitrate and nitrite to nitrous oxide as the final denitrification product.

Bacillus halodenitrificans(ATCC49607),是一种能将硝酸根和亚硝酸根还原成终产物N〓O的中性嗜盐、兼性厌氧的格兰氏阳性反硝化真细菌。

First of all, the start-up of the nitrous nitrification bioreactor and ANAMMOX bioreactor were tried out successfully.


According to those limitations, this study would like to use the molecular biology method to enumerate the nitrobacteria in the sample fast and precisely. We use fluorescent in situ hybridization method.

基於上述原因,本研究希望以分子生物学的方法快速且精确的计数样本中硝化菌的数量,所采用的方式为原位萤光杂合法(FISH; Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization),针对铵氧化菌与亚硝酸氧化菌的16S rDNA设计一段专一性的探针。

The hydrolysis-nitration of nitrosamine products of the incomplete oxidation products of HBIW have been studied.


Exploratory study was made on the Guanting reservoir influent treatment by using two-stage BAF at extreme low temperature.The results show that the removal of organics and ammonia nitrogen is seriously inhibited due to low temperature,and the conversion of nitrite into nitrate is no longer a limiting factor of complete nitrification.One possible hypothesis is that the activity of nitrobacter is hi gher than that of nitrosomonas at extreme low temperature.

摘 要:两级曝气生物滤池在极低温度下(1℃以下)处理官厅水库入库水的探索性研究试验结果表明,有机物和氨氮的去除受到了低温的严重抑制,亚硝酸盐转化成硝酸盐不再是完全硝化反应的限制步骤,这可能是在极低温度条件下硝酸菌的活性高于亚硝酸菌活性的缘故。

This process utilizing modern efficient wire gauze wave-like packings sepa-rates three isomers of MNT(ortho-.meta- or para-), then the O-MNT or P-MNTis nitrated to produce military TNT by a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acid.


However, when the concentration of nitrate was 21 mg/L, nitrite with the concentration of 106 mg/L has an approximative potential.


At the AGU meeting, Francis and former Stanford graduate student Mike Beman will discuss the role of marine archaea in Mexico's Gulf of California, where nitrifying Crenarchaeota appear to be extremely abundant, een at depths of 2,000 feet.

在AGU会议上,Francis和前斯坦福毕业生Mike Beman将详述海洋古细菌在墨西哥加利福尼亚湾的作用,在那里,即使是2000英尺以下,硝化泉古菌的数量也非常巨大。

The amounts of microorganisms in a new denitrification and phosphorus removing integration equipment in its initial stage of running was measured and the change of total bacteria ,Molds,nitrobacteria, Actinomycetes, Nitrobacteria ,Nitrosobacteria and Nitrate reducing bacteria in different times were also studied.


The reactions include, organometallic reactions (grignard reaction, organolithium -zinc, and -copper chemistry ), metal catalyzed reactions, mannich reaction, nitration, hydrogenation, azidation, amino-protection reactions, organoalluminum catalyzed beckmann rearrangement, schmidt rearrangement, epoxidation, epoxide ring opening reactions, swern oxidation etc.

这些反应包括:有机金属反应(格利亚反应,有机锂,有机锌和有机铜反应),金属催化反应堆(suzuki 反应, negish 反应), mannish 反应,硝化反应,氢化反应,叠氮反应,各种基团的保护和脱保护反应,有机铝催化的贝克曼重排反应,斯密特重排反应,环氧化反应,环氧烷开环反应, swern 氧化反应等。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


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