- 与 亚瑟 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
And he blessed Joseph and said, The God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, The God who has shepherded me all my life to this day
48:15 他就给约瑟祝福说,愿我祖亚伯拉罕和我父以撒行事为人都在祂面前的神,就是一生牧养我直到今日的神
And he gave him tithes of all.
And he gace him the tithes of all.
The two chapels so-called of Moses and Elijah, at first independent, would have been at that time incorporated into one single edifice.
Tuesday of the First Week of Advent Reading I Is 11:1-10 On that day, A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom.
读经一 依撒意亚先知书11:1-10 由叶瑟的树干将生出一个嫩枝,由它的根上将发出一个幼芽。
When the next day they set out on their journey to Yorkshire, she walked through the station to the railway carriage with her head up and trying to keep as far away from her as she could, because she did not want to seem to belong to her.
"Our intention is to pay homage to a good vampire," city councilman Jose Laurindo de Oliveira told the newspaper Jornal da Tarde.
As Annas is always called Ananus in Josephus, the name was evidently not taken from him.
Both Elijah Wood and Sean Astin baulked had having to do such a pivotal scene without preparation (Andy Serkis had not been cast at this point so someone from the crew filled in for Gollum) but filming went ahead as planned.
"We like to think the bronzes were being carried into Brindisi," says Giuseppe Andreassi, archaeological superintendent of Apulia, who believes that the boat was caught in a storm sometime between the third and sixth centuries A.D.
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They weren't aggressive, but I yelled and threw a rock in their direction to get them off the trail and away from me, just in case.
In slot 2 in your bag put wrapping paper, quantity does not matter in this case.
Store this product in a sealed, lightproof, dry and cool place.