英语人>网络例句>二倍体 相关的搜索结果


与 二倍体 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Studies showed that the Giemsa-C banding patterns of Ae.tauschii- H.vulgare amphidiploid is much in accord with that of its two parents, and this further proved that the regenerated plants from embryo callus of hybrids between Ae.tauschii and H.vulgare (2n=28) were spontaneously chromosal doubling amphidiploid.


Fig 1 The results of two color FISH A:Normal sperms(a sperm nucleus with a red fluorescence domain was X sperm, and with a green fluorescence domian was Y sperm);B:Numeric chromosome abnormal sperm two green fluorescence domains within the same sperm nucleus which may be classified in Y disomic sperm or diploidy sperm, in the case of hybridization with two probes, one euchromosome specific and the other sex chromosome specific, this sperm could be discriminated as disomic or diploidy sperm

图1 双色荧光原位杂交结果 A:正常精子(精子头部有1个红色荧光信号者为X精子,有1个绿色荧光信号者为Y精子);B:染色体数目异常精子两个绿色荧光信号同在1个精子核内,可为Y双体精子或二倍体精子,若用1条常染色体探针和1条性染色体探针进行双色荧光原位杂交,可以区别该精子属Y双体精子或二倍体精子

The increased number of mitochondria in tetraploids seemed to adapt the demanding of more energy for fecundation in tetraploids because of larger size. 3 Biochemical compositions in gonad and adductor muscle between diploids and triploids in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, during an annual period were examined.


The results support the hypothesis of Polyploid gigantism and show the effect of polyploidy on nuclear size.


The number of chloroplast in stomata guard cell, density, length and width of stomata were observed.


The effects of different light quality (blue light, red light and mixed blue and red light) on propagation of young stem and taking root in Hetao honeydew melon are shown. In regenerative whole plants, domestication was taken and suitable transplanting condition was studied.


Results of chromosomic analysis showed that the chromosome of Beijing Fatty Chicken, Langshan Chicken and Small-tailed Han Sheep were mainly diploid and the individuals of diploid occupied 87.1%, 86.7%, 93.4% in population observed respectively. The chromosomic structure mutation was 1.5%, 0.8%, 1.4% respectively that different from chromosomic morpHology results reported by other researchers.


A highly resistant primitive cultivated species Solanum phureja was employed to generate a mapping population to perform the bulked segregant analysis for screening of AFLP markers linked with the resistance. Another population which had genetic similarity to the mapping population was used for testing of the markers achieved.

以马铃薯青枯病高抗性的原始栽培种Solanum phureja获得的二倍体群体为作图群体进行AFLP标记的初步筛选,另选一个与作图群体有较大亲缘关系和相近遗传背景的二倍体群体对所获标记进行验证。

However, analysis of DNA methylation level indicated that the total DNA methylation levels were not significantly different between diploid and autotetraploid. Autotriploid showed a trend of low DNA methylation level. It implied that the alterations of DNA methylation levels were not linear with the autopolyploidy level in watermelon.


Generally, two hybridization events have happened in the generation of gynogenetic crucian carp: the first one occurred about 6, 000 years ago when maternal ancestor of C. a. gibelio hybridized with males of C. a. auratus (ancestor of C. a. colored variety) and a diploid hybrid was produced; the second one happened over 10, 000 years ago, when the diploid hybrid was backcrossed with one of its parental population, by which the current triploid gynogenetic crucian carp emerged.


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