英语人>网络例句>二倍体 相关的搜索结果


与 二倍体 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tibetanum were more abundant, which can be used to broaden the genetic basis of common wheat. Cluster analysis exhibited that wild emmer had a closer consanguine relationship to hexaploid wheat, as compared to Aegilops tauschi. In addition, it was found that there was a closer genetic relationship in chloroplast genome of common wheat and T. petropavlavskyi, which indicated that T. petropavlavskyi probably derived from the backcross between common wheat and Polish wheat.


The genetic variation of chloroplast genome in spelt and T. tibetanum was more abundant than that in common wheat and there were closer genetic relationships between common wheat and T. petropavlavskyi and between hexaploid wheat and emmer.


Comparison of the micro-morphological characteristics of pollen grain and leaf epiderm among diaploid Thinopyrum elongatum, Elytrigia intermedia, common wheat and octoploid Tritielytrigia types were carried out by observation under scanning electronic microscope.


Dimethyl sulfoxide of 1.5% and 25℃ temperature is helpful to tetraploid induction.


Synapsis The association of homologous chromosomes during the prophase stage of meiosis that leads to the production of a haploid number of bivalents.


Tetraploid clones characterized by double 8;21 translocations in two patients with acute myeloid leukemia

伴染色体 t(8;21)为特征的四倍体克隆的急性白血病二例

Tetraploid veliger were carried out with four chemicals on this scallop in 1998—2000. Tetraploid were induced by inhibition of the polar body and first mitosis with cytochalasin B, colchicine, 6-DMAP and caffeine combined with CB, respectively.


By phenotype observation, combined with root tipchromosome counting, PMC MI pairing analysis and chromosome C-banding, a ditelosomic addition line 94K227 and a disomic addition line 94K280 was identified among BC2F2 and BC2F3 population respectively.C-banding results showed that 94K227 contains 1 pair of long arms in chromosome B, and 94K280 contains 1 pair of chromosome D from R.

用普通小麦-纤毛鹅观草双倍体与普通小麦中国春连续回交两次,然后连续自交,通过形态观察、根尖细胞染色体计数、花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ染色体配对分析及染色体C-分带,在BC2F3和BC2F3群体中,分别筛选到一个端二体异附加系94K227和一个二体异附加系94K280,其中C-分带显示94K227添加的是纤毛鹅观草染色体B的一对长臂, 94K280添加的是纤毛鹅观草的一对染色体D。

In contrast to the granular shape papillaes around the stomata and less density of trichoma on costal zones in tetraploidies of O. officinalis, the triangle and overarching shape papillaes, and denser trachoma were observed in diploidies.

在O。 officinalis中,四倍体有粒状气孔器外围乳突和脉带表皮毛较少,二倍体细胞型具有三角形拱状排列的气孔器外围乳突和较密集的脉带表皮毛;而在O。

The equations for two-conductor coupled-line Marchand baluns are derived. The analysis and systematic design procedure for multi-conductor coupled-line Marchand baluns are also presented, and verified with a few fabricated multi-conductor coupled-line Marchand baluns. Two MMIC broadband diode frequency doublers using multi-conductor coupled-line Marchand baluns are implemented to demonstrate the design procedure of multi-conductor coupled-line Marchand baluns. The MMICs achieve miniature chip areas with broadband performances in millimeter-wave regime.


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