英语人>网络例句>二中心的 相关的搜索结果


与 二中心的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nowadays, in the low electron dose condition, the information about 3-4〓 can be recorded on the cryoEM micrograph, and the high-resolution reconstruction using the cryoEM has reached 6. 5-8〓 levels. The reconstruction can reveal the protein α helical and recognise β fold secondary structure. Secondly, it is due to the development in 3D reconstruction method, which can be more efficient to determine the orientation and center parameters. The last but not least, it is also owning to the rapid development in computer science and information technology. Such as, some computational task, which previously must be executed by using super-computer, now can be carried out by personal computer, and at the same time, the network speed and band width of data bus and input/output equipment have increased several times. In addition, the improvement of the high quality graphic displaying is available. All these provide strong support for cryoEM high-resolution reconstruction study.

目前,在低电子剂量的情况下,冷冻电镜照片可以记录到3-4 〓的信息,使用冷冻电子显微镜进行高分辨三维重构工作,已经获得6.5-8〓高分辨率水平的结果,可以分辨出蛋白质的α螺旋、识别出蛋白质的β折叠等蛋白质二级结构;其次是,三维重构算法效能的不断提高,使得对二十面体取向和中心参数计算的可靠性大大提高;再次是,由于计算机和信息技术迅猛发展,例如,以往需要使用大型计算机的计算任务已经可以被一般的个人电脑完成,网络速度、数据总线和硬盘等I/O设备的带宽成倍增长,以及图像显示能力的提高都为冷冻电子显微镜高分辨三维重构技术提供了强有力的支持。

The relations of electrophoresis velocity, electroosmosis velocity and electric dispersion velocity are also investigated with these expressions. The results show that this new model offers a better explanation for peak compression effect on the migration behaviour of charged solute in CEC. The retention time will be shorter by peak compression effect, which is similar to a solvent gradients process. The peak compression effect is not steady, and doesn't appear until the conditions are fitted in some special situation.


The mathematical models of the delay of the GPS signal in the circumstance are put forward respectively. The computation of orbital arc of the two satellite constellations is based on two body problem and perturbations models. An algorithm based on the IRI model and thin layer model is used to simulate the ionospheric delay of the GPS signal. The error models of observation, multipath, relativity and antenna phase center bias are also researched. Under the consideration of the autocorrelation of the electronical measurements, the autoregressive model of time series is introduced into the noise models.


The main works include five parts:(1) A modified K-means algorithm for optimizing the RBPNNs' structures was proposed;(2) The RBPNNs' structure optimization method based on the orthogonal least square algorithm was proposed that can greatly reduce the computation expense for the structure optimization;(3) Using the GA to perform the whole structure optimization of the RBPNNs was proposed in this thesis, which include simultaneous optimization of the hidden centers and the corresponding controlling parameters of the kernel functions.

主要工作体现在如下三个方面:(1)提出一种改进的 K-Means 算法;(2)提出了基于递推正交最小二乘算法的结构优化算法来训练径向基概率神经网络,从而大大减小了用于结构优化的计算开销;(3)提出使用遗传算法来实现径向基概率神经网络的全结构优化,即隐中心矢量和核函数控制参数同时优化,通过新设计的编码方式、新构造的适应度函数,充分发挥了 GA 的全局搜索性能,使得所优化的径向基概率神经网络的结构趋于最简。

In east " culture of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " below the influence, the game that Oriental develops is met more encourage individual hero creed, player leading role is the center of the world, the existence of all underling is to make the bedding that the player comes on the stage only; And be in " chivalric culture " the Hesperian that grows in atmosphere, meet more encourage group cooperation, everything in game world all around " fair " 2 words, to the player, all be such to NPC, consequently very few conference appears " preterhuman type " play protagonist.


Hierarchical linear modeling is the most frequently used technique for analyzing multilevel data. In this paper, the twelve key issues in multilevel research and/or using HLM software were reviewed, and provided their exact meanings and feasible solutions. The 12 key issues included intraclass correlation coefficient, sample sizes, formation of organizational constructs, centering problems, fixed effect and random effect, estimation methods, goodness of fit index, explained variation, multicollinearity, robust standard error, level one variance equation, and empirical Bayes estimates.


Twenty-odd years in the development process of the electronic components in our procurement, sales and service on the accumulated wealth of experience, and many internationally renowned supplier of electronic components to establish and maintain a good relationship, I Division has its own logistics Center, and established a global presence on four continents of the procurement and distribution network can provide our customers with 24 hours non-stop, global spot market within the scope of the emergency procurement services.


Part 2. Measurement of macular light sensitivity and FM 100-hue test in normal prese- nium and geratic people. The macular light sensitivity 、macular foveal light sensitivi- ty in 64 (82 eyes) and hue discrimination in 75 (100 eyes) normal presenium and geratic people were examined with macular threshold (white、red、blue and green color light) program of the Humphreh Field Analyzer and FM 100-hue test respectivity. The re- sults showed that the light sensitivity in four color light threshold was all declined with age. The mean error score square of each spectral region and whole spectral was increased with age, the loss of light sensitivity and hue discrmination was a linear correlated with age. The light sensitivity of the different field was compared, except blue color light threshold, the light sensitivity was decreased with the increasing of the eccentricity, white and red color light threshold in the inferior field showed lower sensitivity than that in the superior field.


The granitic enclaves in the central-facies porphyroblastic lava are subvolcanic rocks with forming age of 134.2±1.9Ma. There is another intrusion of subvolcanic rhyodacitic porphyry with age of 136.0±2.6Ma, in the contact zone of the two volcanic cycles in the western part of the Xiangshan complex. The U-Pb ages of the sub-quartz-monzonite porphyry and lamprophyre are 129.5±2.0Ma and 125.1±3.1Ma, respectively. This suggests that the extension in the Xiangshan region, began in K〓, was week, and earlier than that in the coastal region of Zhejiang and Fujian provinces. Extension in K〓 in Xiangshan and neighboring regions was much stronger, forming NE striking large red-downfaulted-basins.


By the study of the relationship between vegetation and spatial characteristics of UHI, the mainly spatial characteristics of UHI has been analyzed and it was:(1) The terrain of the suburbs is higher than the urban region, the gradient of the terrain height is small, and this geomorphological featrue is conducive to assemble of the heat, the UHI phenomenon of Changsha is obvious especially in the summer night;(2) The UHI distribution is similar to the outline of the urban construction. The LST of urban is 3-5℃ higher than the flat low areas close around the city, and 6-8℃ higher than further areas. The region which has the most obvious UHI phenomenon is the region surrounded by the second city ring road, and the UHI phenomenon gradually weakened from the city centre to suburb;(3) The impact of geomorphological character to UHI is notable, the relationship between vegetation index and UHI is Anti-related, it was indicated that the improvement of the vegetational status is very important to the elimination of UHI phenomenon, the implementation of the urban green land planning can reduce UHI effect.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
