- 与 二-十进制数 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
On the whole, we do as follows: Firstly, we list some conceptions and lemmas for later use. Secondly, we inducted the absolute value norm in the two-dimensional vector interspace, and also proved the two-dimensional vector interspace is a Banach Interspace. Thirdly, we define two-dimensional vector-valued functions on a interval by the definition of -fine partitions in part 1. Then, some sufficient and necessary conditions of integrabel are given, and discuss the property of the integral on two-dimensional vector-valued functions.
The least norm solutions of symmetric and skew antisymmetric matrix equations (A~TXA, XA — YAD)=(D, 0)are also considered. 3. The least-squares solutions and the least norm solutions of the quaternion matrix equations AX = B and XD = E are studied by using
Therefore, in this article,we first discussed the compound negative binomial, it able to simultaneously fitthe claim size and the claim number. At the same time, we studied the sum of themutually independent compound negative binomial and the sum of the mutuallyindependent compound negative binomial with discount factor and the sum of themaximal compound negative binomial; Next, for the claim data to be better fitted, this article has establishedthe superposition distributed model about the weighted average of the discreterandom and has discussed the estimation method of the parameters of thesuperposition distribution; Once more, we in detail elaborated the NCD which based on the claim numberand the NCD which based on the claim size and the claim number. Besides, weestablished an applied NCD model which also based on the claim size and the claimnumber; At last, we introduced the rewards and punishment coefficient of automobiletravel region into the applied NCD model, availably consummated the present NCD.
On the basic that existing second-order sufficient condition for an isolated minimizer of order 2 for unconstrained multi-objective optimization, using the so called oriented distance from a point to a set, l-stable function and generalized second-order Peano direction derivative, some second-order sufficient conditions for an isolated minimizer of order 2 for constrained multiobjective optimization problems with l-stable functions are obtained.
A kind of method to determine boundary conditions of interpolating quadric spline function with halfknots as conjunction points, which is C 1 continuous but its second derivative function is piecewise constant, is obtained by means of least squares.
In this paper,we give the error expressions of piecewise linear Lagrange polynomial interpolation and piecewise cubic polynomial interpolation using the Taylor expansions.
Because of the condition of 〓 for two neighbour parametricspline surfaces is too strong,here,instead of it,some simple and practicableconditions of 〓 resulted from the general theorem obtained by Prof.LiuDing Yuan in Chapter 1 were proved,and three 〓 triangular splinesurfaces schemes wre presented:one is piecewise cubic spline surface patcheshaving local 〓 and whole 〓 continuity based on the refined HCTtriangulation,another is the same degree spline surface patches but based onthe refined Powell-Sabin triangulation,the third is piecewise quartic splinesurface patches having local 〓 and whole 〓 continuity based on therefined P-S triangulation.
The invention relates to a preparation process for synthesizing polyethylene terephthalate 1, 3- terephthalate catalyst, which comprises adding titanic acid ester, germanium compounds and cobalt compound into liquid dispersed phase of organic solution, wherein the total weight concentration is 4-10%, and preparing the catalyst through mechanical stirring or ultrasonic wave mixed ligand for 10-60 minutes in 0-120 DEG C, wherein the adding content of titanic acid ester, germanium compounds and cobalt compound are respectively 200-500ppm, 50-300ppm and 100-400ppm of reaction monomer mass of terephthalic acid or dimethyl terephthalate.
Compared with the two dimension FD, the methos are fast and simple,the experiment result shows it is feasible to classify manmade targets and natural objects by the FD of the rough profile of contour.
When 〓 is the family of bipartite graphs,the 〓 capacityand the 〓 valency of a graph G are referred to as the biparticitydenoted by β(Gand the bivalencydenoted by 〓(Gof G respectively;when 〓 is the family ofgraphs whose components are complete bipartite graphs,the 〓 capacity and the〓 valency of a graph G are referred to as the complete biparticitydenoted byc(Gand the complete bipartite valencydenoted by 〓(Gof G respectively;andwhen 〓 is the family of star forests,the 〓 capacity and the 〓 valency of a graphG are referred to as the star arboricitydenoted by st(Gand the star valency ofG(denoted by 〓)respectively.
- 推荐网络例句
Finally, according to market conditions and market products this article paper analyzes the trends in the development of camera technology, and designs a color night vision camera.
Only person height weeds and the fierce looks stone idles were there.
This dramatic range, steeper than the Himalayas, is the upturned rim of the eastern edge of Tibet, a plateau that has risen to 5 km in response to the slow but un stoppable collision of India with Asia that began about 55 million years ago and which continues unabated today.