英语人>网络例句>事件的和 相关的搜索结果


与 事件的和 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Three short geomagnetic excursions, the Go thenburg, Mono Lake and Mungo in the Brunhes Positive Polarity period, were revealed based on the studies of magnetostratigraphy, susceptibility and δ^18O of sediments in core WP 92-5 from the central temperature area of the Western Pacific Warm Pool, and the ages of them are 12.1--11.3 kaBP, 25.0--24.0 kaBP, and 31.0--28.0 kaBP respectively. Furthermore, the Younger Dryas and Heinrich cold events were also discovered in this core by the susceptibility record.

通过西太平洋暖池温区中心WP92-5柱样沉积物磁性地层学、磁化率和δ^18O等测试与分析,获得了布容正极性期内哥德堡、莫诺湖(Mono Lake和蒙哥(或Maelifell3个短暂的地球磁场漂移,它们发生的时间约12.1-11.3,25.0-24.0和31.0-28.0kaBP;并从该柱样的磁化率记录中发现Younger Dryas和Heinrich冷事件沉积层。

The study focus on the distribution patterns of modern and fossil benthic foraminiferal fauna and their relationship with environmental variables, and the physical and chemical properties of the deep water.


Based on the high-resolution analysis of planktonic foraminiferal isotope and organic carbon of 91 sediment samples from two box cores located respectively in the southern and northern slopes of the South China Sea, the changes of sea surface temperature and paleoproductiviy of the past 2400 years were reconstructed. The sea surface temperature and the depth of thermocline varied in different stages during the late Holocene, with some short-term climate events such as the Little Ice Age.


Results Fever, pneumonia with unknown causes, death with unknown causes, diseases similar the flu and numbers of patient in emergency department have been monitored in more than 80 percent of hospitals. However, the proportion of reported hematosepsis and infectious shock were 51.3% and 63.7%, respectively. Moreover, the surveillance rate of pathogen and toxicosis were lower and there was no earlywarning ability in public health emergency.

结果 80%以上医院对发热、不明原因肺炎、不明原因的死亡、流感样疾病和急诊入院人数实行了监测并能及时上报异常情况;对败血症/感染性休克监测和报告的比例分别仅为51.3%和63.7%;对病原生物和中毒的检测能力较低;对各类突发公共卫生事件没有预警能力。

This offers important information for the study of magmatic event and tectonic environment in the area.


When you feel empowered, you will roll with changes as a whale rolls through the ocean waves, commanding and unbothered by events but conscious of a need to roll with the surrounding effects to lessen their impacts.


Jesus anathematizes the scribes and Pharisees and foretells the events that will precede and accompany the fall of Jerusalem and the end of the world.


The paper studies the effect of climate change on national energy consumption on winter wanning and summer cooling, and makes optimum analysis on proper time to begin warming and cooling, including:1. To systematically analyze the climate change in China since 1949 a...


In short, for Heschel, the Divine-Human encounter is"God's anthropology".


From a distance, I had followed the escalating ferocity of Washington's political battles: Iran-Contra and Ollie North, the Bork nomination and Willie Horton, Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill, the Clinton election and the Gingrich Revolution, Whitewater and the Starr investigation, the government shutdown and impeachment, dangling chads and Bush v.

在墙上我目睹了华盛顿这一切日益升级的政治斗争:伊朗门和 Ollie North 为政府进行的苦苦辩护; Bork 的任命被驳回和 Willie Horton 案; Clarence Thomas 即被任命为大法官时被 Anita Hill 控告性骚扰; Clinton election 当选和 Gingrich 带领共和党夺回国会;白水事件和 Starr 报告…政府怠工,人们忙于弹劾,职责乃至扯皮。

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We believe he will never sell out his friends.


Yes ,now if z will buy her house she will pay it in bags ,but then when you buy house in shanghai ,I am afraid you have to pay for the house in a gunny sack.


