英语人>网络例句>事件的和 相关的搜索结果


与 事件的和 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Picasso was not a philosopher or a mathematician (there is no "geometry" in Cubism), but the work he and Braque did between 1911 and 1918 was intuitively bound to the perceptions of thinkers like Einstein and Alfred North Whitehead: that reality is not figure and void, it is all relationships, a twinklingfield of interdependent events.

毕卡索不是哲学家或数学家(在立体学派里没有所谓的几何学),但在1911和1918年之间,他和巴克作品是直觉地限制在於思想家的悟性像是Einstein and Alfred North Whitehead:现实不是图和空隙,它是所有关系,一个瞬间领域的相互依赖事件。

What counts is the presence of family, friends and neighbors at an event that dates back almost 400 years in this country and evokes baronial and even biblical festivities with its celebration of bounty -- and even excess.

什么计数是家庭、朋友和邻居存在在建于几乎400 年在这个国家和召唤华丽和甚而圣经的庆祝以富饶它的庆祝--和甚而剩余的事件。

I firmly believe that it would be the people of the world's most memorable gathering, a green and beautiful, traditional culture and the principles of equality and fraternity event, the first Olympics to bring the term more far-reaching event.


US in Taiwan issue faces the similar structural factors as Athens in the affair of Epidamnus did: both Corcyra and Taiwan occupy important geopolitical position, and Corcyra was a colony of Corinth while Taiwan is a part of China.


In the Book of Judges and the first two Books of Kings there is no explicit reference to Moses and the book of the law, but a number of incidents and statements presuppose the existence of the Pentateuchal legislation and institutions.


If you want to compete in saddle seat events, you will need to shop for a show saddle and a double bridle for your horse and a white shirt, jodhpurs, saddle seat coat, jodhpur boots and a derby for yourself.

如果您想要在竞争鞍席位的事件,您将需要购买一显示鞍和双bridle为你的马和白色衬衫, jodhpurs ,鞍座位外套,焦特布尔的靴子和德比为自己。

The author studied the changes in estradiol in female urine, mating behavior and factors influencing male mating investment in maske palm civet by using radioimmunoassay technique behavioral sampling techniques, and got the following results and conclusions


And last week in red ruby light seems to bring out events of anger..and doubt. which also correlates with heart charkra that is linked to the emotions. where we experience and stored anger and sadness and self criticism.


Haifeng county has rich resources of Red tourism such as the first soviet government of China,the famous people-PengPai,red relic like Red Palace and Red Square,Through digging and coordinating these resources,innovating in enhibiton means and content,combining with local green tourism resources and other red tourism resources of adjacent counties,and constructing a traveling image of A passional PengPai,A cornucopian ...


A significant negative correlation (confident level over 90 %) between Shandong's summer rainfall and the index is found only in the period of 24-26 pentads and limited to the area above the deeper water basin of the SCS (10°-20°N, 110°-117.5°E).


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。