英语人>网络例句>事件的和 相关的搜索结果


与 事件的和 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This product include many kinds of measurement,monitoring,warining,diaplay,communication function,it can measure four quadrant reactive whole fundamental wave and time-sharing fundamental waveelectric quantity;can measure forward and reverse of the active and reactive'smaximal demand and time-sharing demand;can measure each kind of power submultiple,active power,reactive power,apparent power,and so on;can measure and record each kind of pressure loss,current loss and


Yo Ang how you doing damn it's been a minute/ It's been years since you left but I still don't get it/ sometimes I wonder, how things would like/ if you were still in my presence, yo feeling my essence/ Wish I coulda persuade you stay that day you went away/ and left your kiddo, cause when the dude from the news/ brought clues of you, my tears found it's way to soak/ and upset my pillow/ shit your boy is grown now, I found out what love is/ met bitches on the way you wouldn't want me to fuck with/ I did graffitti to B-Boys to tip top events/ Open mics to concerts to hip hop events/ anyways how you doing could you shed some light Ang/ Is heaven lace with gold roads and God a white man/ How's your hair girl?

哟昂你如何做该死它已经一分钟/它已经有多年没有你离开,但我仍然不得到它/有时候我在想,怎么想的事情/如果你仍然在我面前,悠悠的感觉我的本质/希望我有地位说服您保持那天你走了/离开你的小伙子,原因当从新闻花花公子/你们带来了线索,我的眼泪发现它的方法,浸泡/并打破我的枕头/狗屎长大的男孩现在,我发现了什么是爱/在路上你不会要我他妈的与/会见了母狗我涂鸦到B -男孩蒂普托普事件/开放式麦克风的音乐会嘻哈事件/反正你做你能摆脱一些启示昂/是天堂金公路和神一白人花边/如何在你的头发的女孩?

These results indicate that both the second type leucosome in the biotite gneisses and the first type leucosome were produced synchronously in the Paleoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism, and that both the melt-derived and the metamorphic Paleoproterozoic zircons suffered significant lead-loss in the Triaasic, suggesting that both felsic granulite and biotite gneisses be responses to the Triassic deep subduction event.


The experiment 1 used a revised Piaget Aleak set to test children's understanding about time seriation and a classical false belief task, unexpected content task to test children's understanding about false belief;the experiment 2 used a familiar event - to put on the clothes - to test children's understanding about time seriation and a classical false belief task, unexpected location task to test children's understanding about false belief;the experiment 3 still used the familiar event and.unexpected location task, but has let the way which child began to operate to test child's succession cognition ability, meanwhile test the children's understanding about to succession of false belief task.


While Kabuo's trial takes place, the novel repeatedly flashes back in time to episodes that took place years before, interspersing these past events between testimonies and statements given during the trial.


The interconnection of Condition/Event System model is lucubrated and generalized as Parallel InterConnection , and the interconnection conditions are given. PIC allows easy and intuitive handing of interconnected systems and does not have the strong restrictions of the previously defined cascade interconnection and feedback connection operator, and clears a modeling hindrance for practical usage of VHS.


This text took the basic concept of supply chain interruption risk, the reasons and results of breaks off from the supply chain, and guard against to supply chain break off those several aspects to commence, through reading related books, and summary standpoints owned by the experts and the scholars than get such conclusion: The supply chain interruption risk is the problem that the very tough and can not be avoid to the supply chain and its business enterprise node.


It will take time to answer the big questions: why so many changes are happening so fast; whether abrupt, extreme events like cyclones and ice melts will lead to a cascade of other events; how cause and effect interact in complex ecosystems where small changes may be synergistically amplified.


Corresponding to the long-lasting El Nio event, cyclonic anomalous circulation over the eastern North Pacific weakens slowly and anticyclonic anomalous circulation over the western North Pacific strengthens slowly at 850 hPa. Therefore the tropical Pacific westerly anomaly keeps long. The anomalous positive velocity potential over the western South Pacific at 200 hPa, which is related to the strong Australian winter monsoon, helps a long duration of El Nio. Corresponding to the short-lasting El Nio, the anomalous positive velocity potential over the western Pacific at 200 hPa moves eastward quickly and results in the vanishing of El Nio event.

还发现对于持续时间较长的El Nio事件,东北太平洋上850hPa异常气旋性环流减弱和西北太平洋上异常反气旋性环流增强较慢,因此赤道太平洋异常西风维持的时间也较长,而与澳大利亚冬季风加强相关联的南半球西太平洋的速度势正距平的维持,对El Nio的持续也起一定作用;对应持续时间较短的El Nio事件,西太平洋上200hPa速度势正距平的迅速东移,对El Nio的迅速消亡起重要作用。

Thus﹐in a fresh outbreak of the confrontation between new iconoclasts and eternal iconophiles around the founding iconoclash of September 11﹐the information image has been established once and for all as an absolute commodity.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。