英语人>网络例句>事件的和 相关的搜索结果


与 事件的和 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No one who worked with Copp said he did real rescue work in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks.


One of the advantages of html controls over web controls is that server - side events do not conflict with events that occur on the client , unless the server and client code themselves countermand each other


It mainly describes a series of events of the formation and development of the essentialism arts education thoughts, which have become an inevitable trend for the naissance of the essentialism art education thoughts.


Based on the long-term precipitation series from 48 observation stations and the ElNino events and LaNina events having occurred since the 1950s in China, teleconnections between summer precipitation in China and ElNino/LaNina are analyzed.


The incident, which has an international dimension because the gatecrashers were within feet of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and they shook hands with Obama, has already drawn a rare public apology from the Secret Service, and Messina reiterated they had been at fault.

这次意外事件已经产生了全球影响,因为这对不速之客当时离印度总理 Manmohan Singh 几步之遥,而且他们还和奥巴马握手致意。特工部门已经就本次事件进行了罕有的公众致歉,Messina 也一再提起他们犯的错误。

The detected results in common space condition, geomagnetism disturbance event, solar proton event, relationship with solar activity and particle change in long term were given, and relative analysis was made.


In recent years accidents caused by defective foods are in an endless stream of flood, eg. Sudan Red and excessive iodine in Nestle milk powder incident in 2005 and Sanlu milk powder incident in 2008 and now it is reported that clenbuterol was found in Yurun luncheon meat.


Secondly, it aimed the research on model and method of railway large-sized passenger terminals emergency capability assessment. It designed the emergency capability assessment index system including the MECE principle during the design. After in-deep studied the hierarchy entropy analysis method to dealing with the weight, it calculated the weights of the emergency capability assessment indexes. And it studied the risk assessment model based on the set-valued statistics and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, proposed the emergency capability assessment model based on the risk. During the research on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, the paper improved the circular distribution subordinate function to calculate the index membership.


But the government remains worried about an outbreak of violence similar to that last month in Guadeloupe, a French overseas territory, and in Greece in December.


Some poems on historical events, such as The Battle of Brunanburh (937) and the Battle of Maldon (991), appear to have been composed shortly after the events in question, and can be dated reasonably precisely in consequence.

有些诗的历史事件,如战役Brunanburh ( 937 )和战役莫尔登( 991 ),似乎已组成后不久,在有关事件,可正是在月合理的后果。

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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。