英语人>网络例句>事件的和 相关的搜索结果


与 事件的和 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper proponed a correlation and risk assessment approach to solve these problems, which exploited constructed security correlation model to compote real-dine risk for every security event (such as alert, operating system log record, and so on), and gave out new alerts for high risk events while discard low risk ones so as to reduce false positive and false negative rate.


A positive correlation was found between the solar activity and NO3- concentration in recent 1500 years. A long-standing issue of the nature of the solar activity during the Maunder Minimum was solved. An about 36a cycle was found in the solar activity. Low solar activity and weak geomagnetic field were responsible for the 36Cl peak at about 37ka BP. Climate change recorded in this ice core lagged insolation about 4ka during the last glacial maximum, about 1ka during the last deglaciation, and nearly 0ka during the Holocene.δ18O record also suggests that the variation in temperature on the Tibetan Plateau had some similar features to that in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres during the last deglaciation to some extent, which indicate that the tropics maybe play an important role on global climate change.

揭示出近1500a来古里雅冰芯中NO3-浓度变化可以反映太阳活动的强弱变化;回答了长期争议的并直接关系到太阳发电机理论是否正确的Maunder极小期太阳活动特征问题;发现太阳活动可能存在36a左右的周期;证实了37kaBP左右古里雅冰芯记录中宇宙成因同位素36Cl含量峰值的存在,指出这一时期的宇宙成因同位素峰值事件具有全球性,弱的太阳活动和弱的地磁场是这一事件发生的原因所在;揭示出古里雅冰芯记录到的"8.2ka BP事件",认为这一全球性事件发生的主要原因与弱的热盐环流和弱的太阳活动有关;发现古里雅冰芯记录的末次冰盛期和末次冰消期气候变化均在一定程度上滞后于太阳辐射变化,而全新世气候变化大致与太阳辐射变化同步;发现末次冰消期高原地区气候变化不仅具有北半球气候变化的某些特征,同时还具有南半球气候变化的某些特征,这说明热带地区可能对全球气候存在重要的影响。

Firstly a formal syntactic of UML statechart diagrams was given and a series of auxiliary functions to describe the structure features of UML statechart diagrams were presented in which target determinator and source restriction were used to describe the inter-level transitions and open events and close events were used to describe the communication among UML statechart diagrams.


The part that has completed at present is as follows: The first day -- Flex foundation, inclusive content has: The data that Flex of understanding of space of work of Flex Builder Flex Builder of understanding of Flex, Flash, Flash Player, AIR overview compiles package to understand MXML component beforehand binds incident of calm processing user to understand incident object to use ActionScript to add incident dictograph to use HttpService to get data the following day -- package is developed, this part includes following video: The MXML component that shows in DataGrid the use of layout container founds data to be defined oneself realizes Value Object kind found found from definition incident define incident oneself kind define project apply colours to a drawing oneself implement the use that explores Flex Bulider is small doohickey the 3rd day -- work in coordination, include: Data test and verify uses long-range object to transmit data format to change data to accuse from list medium procrastinate put data to use E4X to filter XML deploy Flex and AIR application the 4th day -- add visual component, specific content is as follows: Executive navigation container embeds image embeds font founds the layout that is based on a tie to apply a style to combine Adobe CS3 to make package skin found view status animation for MXML component: Skin of component of implementation of behavior and encode of graph of scale of API of plot of union of specially good effect is patulous package the 5th day -- the exercise of behavior form a complete set of timer of Flash of understanding of advanced development skill and code of give typical examples can come the page of Flex In A Week of Adobe government downloads.

目前已经完成的部分如下:第一天——Flex基础,包括的内容有: Flex、Flash、Flash Player、AIR概述了解Flex Builder Flex Builder工作空间了解Flex预编译组件了解MXML 组件的数据绑定处理用户事件了解事件对象使用ActionScript添加事件侦听器使用HttpService获取数据第二天——组件开发,该部分包括如下视频:在DataGrid中显示数据布局容器的使用创建自定义的MXML组件实现Value Object类创建自定义事件创建自定义事件类自定义项目渲染器探索Flex Bulider的使用小窍门第三天——协同工作,包括:数据验证使用远程对象来传输数据格式化数据从列表控件中拖放数据使用E4X来过滤XML 部署Flex和AIR应用第四天——添加视觉组件,具体内容如下:执行导航容器嵌入图像嵌入字体创建基于约束的布局为MXML组件应用样式结合Adobe CS3制作组件皮肤创建视图状态动画:行为和特效结合绘图API绘制图形编码实现组件皮肤扩展组件第五天——高级开发技巧了解Flash定时器的行为配套练习及示例代码可至Adobe官方的Flex in a Week页面下载。

From the 567 simulated occultation events, one rising and one setting occultation events are tested in the simulation.


These intervals mainly include: the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM,~55 Ma) and Oceanic Arioxic Events in the late early Aptian (OAE1a, Selli Level,~120 Ma) and at the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary (OAE2, Bonarelli Level,~93.5 Ma).

这些气候事件主要包括:古新世-始新世最热事件(PETM,~55Ma BP)、早阿普第晚期和森诺曼-土仑界线的大洋缺氧事件(OAE1a,~120Ma;OAE2,~93.5Ma BP)。

Jami Miscik, head of global sovereign risk at Lehman Brothers, points to a series of less dramatic events, which highlight the political strains caused by rising food and energy prices: riots in Mexico last summer, after sharp increases in the price of maize flour; mass protests in Indonesia this month, provoked by the rising price of soyabeans; a deadly stampede in western China last November, caused by a rush for subsidised cooking oil; a food-price freeze in Russia, introduced just ahead of the parliamentary elections in December; gas and petrol rationing in Iran; blackouts in Argentina and South Africa.


Tomato garden incident is Microsoft turns over pilfer edition strongly to make situation event, the gun is hit odd pilfer edition passes the bird to complain Hong Lei of author of Windows XP of tomato garden edition to national copyright bureau and the Ministry of Public Security, use Microsoft system to transform, transmit system of edition of Windows XP pilfer rampant, affect sale of original Windows XP, disobey intellectual property and original software sale and market to have rate, pass this incident, the Microsoft that make clear opposes the determination of pilfer edition and position, make situation event this, affected market of Windows XP of Chinese pilfer edition, include company of edition of deepness edition, wind of rain forest wood, computer to install edition of home of edition of garden of machine edition, platinic gold, turnip, extremely fast atelier edition, Nuodeer edition, always the company such as boat technology edition, organization, the individual stops development of pilfer edition Windows XP to make in succession with transmission.

番茄花园事件是微软一次强有力的反盗版造势事件,枪打出头鸟盗版通过向国家版权局和公安部投诉番茄花园版Windows XP作者洪磊,利用微软系统改造,并传播Windows XP盗版系统猖獗,影响正版Windows XP销售,违反知识产权与正版软件销售与市场占有率,通过此次事件,表明的微软反盗版的决心与立场,此次造势事件,影响到了中国盗版Windows XP市场,包括深度版、雨林木风版、电脑公司装机版、铂金花园版、萝卜家园版、极速工作室版、诺德尔版、永航技术版等公司,团体,个人纷纷停止盗版Windows XP开发制作与传播。

Their lithologic types are dominated by vitric tuff vitric crystal tuff and medium-fine tuffy sandstone and their genetic types mainly belong to complicated type of the airborne-water-carried and the airborne type.


These unusual rocks are dominantly characterized with positive susceptibility and very rich in Mn-Al (black-colored sediments) and Fe-Al (red-colored sediments).


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。