英语人>网络例句>事件的和 相关的搜索结果


与 事件的和 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The data is updated in an event-driven way as that defined in a rule table of active database. The elementary events are abstract from the semantic of an actual updating operation and then encoded. The relationship between events and the means of change caused by an elementary event is defined and stored in the rule table.


Fully considering the factors of structure, deposition, transforming system and Reservoir Forming Dynamics and so on, the paper thought that the reservoirs in Xiakou fracture zone belong to hydrocarbon remigration and secondary accumulation mode, the configuration relationship between the sands and faults is the main factor that affects hydrocarbon migration; reservoir gathers in the central upheaval zone belong to event hydrocarbon migration and accumulation mode, it can be divided into three styles, they are the fracture activity event mode, the volcanic activity event mode, he gravity flows event mode. The key factors of resulting in event reservoir are fault cyclicity and episodic characteristic.


To the question of non-Nash equilibrium in prisoners' dilemma, this paper makes an analysis to Game Theory's hypothesis: complete rationality, complete information and probability, and gets a result: systems thinking style in complete rationality, the happen of the event of zero probability, and the uncertainty that is brought out complete information is concordant beliefs, all can bring the appearance of non-Nash equilibrium, and the probability of appearance is decided by the proportion of men who think in systems thinking style.


The results showed that clay mineral of the sedimentary core B106 reveal seven palaeoclimate events since 16725 Cal.aBP, such as"Bolling Warming Events"in 13100±45 aBP,"Younger Dryas Cooling Events"in 10393±45 aBP,"Early Holocene Cold Event"in 8000aBP,"South of China Cooling Events"in 4624±35 aBP, Cooling Events in 3370±40 aBP, Drought Incident Cooling Events in 922BC and"Cooling Events of Northern and Southern Dynasty"in 514AD.

研究结果显示,B106柱的粘土矿物学指标指示出16725 Cal.aBP以来的7次古气候变化事件,分别是13100±45 aBP的&博林暖期升温事件&、10393±45 aBP的&新仙女木降温事件&、8000 Cal.aBP对应的&全新世最大降温事件&、4624±35 aBP的&中国南方降温事件&、3370±40 aBP的降温事件、922BC的干旱降温事件和514 AD的&南北朝降温事件&。

To enhance security in Ad-Hoc networks,it is important to evaluate the trustworthiness of other nodes without centralized authorities.In this work,authors focus on the evaluation of trust evidence in Ad Hoc networks.First,the authors introduce the metrics of the trust,the evaluation process is modeled as a path problem on a directed graph,where nodes represent entities,and edges represent trust relations.Using the theory of semirings,a trust evaluation model based on semiring(TD-SEMIRING) is developed,then two nodes can establish an indirect trust relation without previous direct interaction and introduce the application of this model in route election.At last,the feasibility of this model is analyzed.


Although it ruled these tITe is no constitutional left to physician-assisted suicide, the Cwet in effect supported the medical princ网络地址le of "double effect", a centuries-old moral princ网络地址le holding thesean behave having few effects--a bad first these is intended or a harmful first these is toeeasysting--is permissible if the actor intends only the bad effect.


Four rapid depositional periods such as 12.3~12.1 ka BP, 7.5~7.3 ka BP, 5.9~5.2 ka BP, and 1.5~1.3 ka BP disclosed by Core EC2005 well correspond to the worldwide Younger Dryas, 7.3 ka cold event, Neoglaciation or 5.5 ka cold event, and 1.4 ka ice rafted debris event, respectively. The worldwide 8.2 ka event is also well recorded in the core.

东海内陆架浙-闽沿岸泥质带EC2005孔存在的4个百年时间尺度上快速沉积事件:12.3~12.1 ka BP、7.5~7.3 ka BP、5.9~5.2 ka BP和1.5~1.3 ka BP,与新仙女木事件、7.3 ka BP冷事件、第二新冰期(5.5 ka BP强降温事件)以及北大西洋1.4 ka BP浮冰事件均有良好的对应,世界范围内广泛存在的8.2 ka冷事件对本钻孔沉积也形成了一定影响。

Based on the semantic relatedness effects, this essay systematically studies the phonetic and the graphemic relatedness...


Based on the semantic relatedness effects, this essay systematically studies the phonetic and the graphemic relatedness effects in Chines...


Briefly it may be: an allusion to the Feast of Tabernacles, basing on Peter's proposal to erect 3 tents (v 5); a reference to Ex 24:16 in which is said that the cloud covered the mountain for 6 days and on the 7th day, God called Moses; a remains of a primitive account of the resurrection; a synchronization of the Transfiguration and the 7th day of the week of the Passion and Resurrection; a recourse to a Semitic scheme in which the event of the 7th day constitutes a climax; a use of an ancient Judaic literary scheme and of primitive christianity in which the 6th day took on an importance as the day of God's revelation on Mt Sinai and the day which the Law was given.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。