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Richard was then an SERC IT research fellow at Cambridge until taking up a lectureship in physics at the University of Bath in 1990. In 1996 he moved to the University of Bristol as a lecturer in electrical and electronic engineering subsequently being promoted to a readership and finally to be Professor of Photonics. In 2001 he moved to the Cambridge University Engineering Department.
随后任SERC IT剑桥大学研究员,直到1990年担任巴斯大学物理学讲师。1996年他加入布里斯托大学并任电气和电子工程学讲师,随后被晋升为高级讲师、光子学教授。2001年他加入剑桥大学工程学院。
Economic globalization is the main melody of the world's economic activities of today.
The ideal specimen gives the immediate impression ofcompact power and agile grace; the head noble, proudly carried; theexpression intelligent and alert; the muscular body bespeaking bothstaying power and dash.