英语人>网络例句>乙酸钠 相关的搜索结果


与 乙酸钠 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using volatile acid and alkali to regulate the pH of pressed juice from bamboo shell,saltless Fraction Ⅰand Fraction Ⅱwere got separately.the residue of squeezed banboo shell was used as paper making material and medium for cultivation mushroom.

采用挥发性酸和碱调节鲜笋壳压榨液 pH值,分别获得无盐Fraction Ⅰ和fraction Ⅱ;其压榨后的蒲渣作为造纸原料和栽培食用菌的基质;对分离Fraction Ⅰ和Fraction Ⅱ后的汁液,加入Fe2 +并超滤浓缩,经硫酸铵盐析和丙酮分级后,进行CM 2 2纤维素离子交换柱层析,以 pH5 。2乙酸钠分级洗脱,获得RZ为 3 。0以上的高纯竹笋过氧氧化物酶。

Firstly the mid-pruduct imidazoline was produced by reaction of naphthenic acid and diethylene triamine, then the corrosion inhibitor amphoteric imidazoline, which is soluble in water, was produced by reaction of imidazoline and sodium monochloroacetate in aqueous solution.


When components of fermentation medium were glucose 20 gL^(-1), yeast extract powder 25 gL^(-1), MgSO4.7H2O 0.38 gL^(-1), L-aminothiopropionic acid 1 gL^(-1), Triammonium cetrate 2 gL^(-1), sodium acetate 2.5 gL^(-1) and tween 80 1 mlL^(-1), the production of bacteriocin reached the maximum and the diameter of bacteriostasis circle was 28.97 mm.

当培养基的组成为:葡萄糖20 gL^(-1),酵母浸粉25 gL^(-1),MgSO4.7H2O 0.38 gL^(-1),L-半胱氨酸1 gL^(-1),柠檬酸三铵2 gL^(-1),乙酸钠2.5 gL^(-1),吐温80 1 mlL^(-1)时细菌素的产量最大,抑菌圈直径可达28.97 mm。

Results MRS medium was more suitable for producing bacteriocin than other media. The maximum plantaricin production was obtained in modified MRS medium containing 10 g/L maltose and 10 g/L glucose, 10 g/L yeast extract, 10 g/L tryptone and 2g/L tri-ammonium citrate, 1 mL/L Tween80, 6 g/L K2HPO4 ?

最佳培养基为MRS培养基;优化后的培养基配方为葡萄糖10 g/L,麦芽糖10 g/L,酵母提取物10 g/L,蛋白胨10 g/L,柠檬酸三铵2 g/L,吐温80为1 mL/L,K2HPO4·3H2O 6 g/L,乙酸钠5 g/L,硫酸镁0.2 g/L,硫酸锰

Carboxymethyl fenugreek gum with different degree of substitution was synthesized with NaOH and sodium monochloroacetate powder as the basifying and etherifying agents.


Sodium diacetate has the role in preventing the increasing of MDA and the decreasing of pectin in asparagus. All of the four preservatives cannot prevent the increasing of coarse fibre. The super absorbent polymer can effectively delay dewing in the package bags in a given time, but the available dosage and package material should be studied thoroughly.


Catalytic synthesis of Aspirin over pretreated sodium acetate using salicylic acid and acetic anhydride as starting materials.


The route of transmission may be from entorhinal cortex and piriform cortex to cortices and limbic system such as hippocampus, amygdaloid nucleus et al.


The results of continuous experiments with BAF show that: the short nitrification occurs when the Qair/Qinfluent ratio is 4:1 with NO_2~--N accounting for 72% of NOx--N; the suitable recirculation rate is 200%; the ratio of external acetate dose to NH4+-N concentration is 2:1 attributing to the short nitrification; BAF needs being backwashed when the headloss increases to 6 cm every 17~20 days; in the water reuse context, 98.7% water yield can be obtained.Lastly, the long-term operation of SBR-BAF system indicates it can treat the wastewater efficiently.

BAF反应器连续流试验结果表明:最佳气水比为4:1,硝化类型以短程硝化为主,NO_2~--N占到NOx--N的72%;综合考虑对TN的去除率和动力消耗,最佳回流比为200%;最佳缺氧/好氧容积比为3:5;由于短程反硝化较全程反硝化碳源需求量低,在BAF反应器进水NH4+-N 40mg/L左右的情况下,乙酸钠投加量为80mg/L以COD计设定水头损失达到6cm时进行反冲洗,随水温不同,反冲洗周期为17~20d,产水率为98.7%。

The rate constants and yields of aromatic halides containing substitute s with different electrophilicities were investigated.


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