英语人>网络例句>乙酸 相关的搜索结果


与 乙酸 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show that there were no significant differences among the four forage rations in rumen pH, the concentrations of total volatile fatty acids, acetate, propionate, the ratios of acetate to propionate, butyrate, isobutyrate and valerate(P﹥0.05). Only in 11:30, the concentrations of isovalerate caused by ration A and B were significantly higher than the other two rations(P﹤0.05).The milk yield caused by the ration C was significantly lower than the others (P﹤0.05). However, there were also no significantly differences among these four rations in the DM, fat, sugar, protein and scc of the milk. The milk fat and sugar of ration B and C were higher than ration A and D in number as well.

试验结果显示:各粗料组合日粮对各个时间点的瘤胃发酵指标:pH、TVFA、乙酸、丙酸、乙酸/丙酸、丁酸、异丁酸、戊酸浓度均无显著差异(P﹥0.05),只在11:30时,日粮A、B的异戊酸浓度显著低于日粮C、D (P﹤0.05);日粮C的产奶量显著低于其它三个日粮,而在乳干物质、乳脂、乳糖、乳蛋白、体细胞数上,各日粮均无显著差异,从数值上看,日粮B、C的乳脂和乳糖高于A、D。

In this paper the study on optimizing the esterification of cellulose and some character of CAB(the degree of substitution of cellulose, solubility, the thermal properties and molecular weight) was discussed. The mechanism of the esterification of cellulose in butyric acid/ acetic acid/ butyric anhydride which comprises the creation of the acetic butyric anhydride, acetyl cation and butyryl cation was investigated by the study of the effect of the content of the organic acid and anhydride on the degree of acetyl and butyryl substitution of cellulose.


M treatment materials, and also tartaric acid and no maleic acid detected in G. v treatment materials. Inoculation also increased the content of organic acid secretion (increased by 19.80~56.87 mg/kg) of trifoliate root, and the application of AlPO4 greatly increased organic acid content (increased by 20.06~21.84 mg/kg); uninoculated plant root secreted a bit of organic acid; Mycorrhizal poncirus trifoliata seedlings excreted malic acid (42.87%), citric acid (39.22%) and oxalic acid (12.06%).

接种AM真菌的根系分泌的有机酸种类与对照有所不同,未接种处理枳分泌的有机酸有草酸、苹果酸、乳酸、乙酸、顺丁烯二酸和柠檬酸等6种,而接种G.m的则检测到草酸、酒石酸、苹果酸、乳酸、乙酸、柠檬酸、丁二酸等7种,G.v处理的检测到酒石酸,接种处理均未检测到顺丁烯二酸;接种丛枝菌根真菌增加了枳根系分泌有机酸的量比未接种处理增加19.80~56.87 mg/kg,且施用AlPO4后有机酸含量显著增加(增加20.06~21.84 mg/kg;未接种植株根系仅分泌少量有机酸;接种植株根系分泌的有机酸以苹果酸(42.87%)、柠檬酸(39.22%)和草酸(12.06%)为主。

TrithiocarbonatesS,S\'-bis (α,α′-dimethyl-α-acetic acid) trithiocarbonate (TTC1),3-(2-carboxyethylsulfanylthiocarbonylsulfanyl) propionic acid (TTC3),2-(2-carboxyethylsulfanylthiocarbonylsulfanyl) propionic acid (TTC4) and2-(2-carboxyethylsulfanylthiocarbonylsulfanyl)-2-methylpropionic acid (TTC5) weresynthesized by phase transfer method.


The dissociation constants and the reaction rate constants of inclusion complexes formed between α、β—cyclodextrin and several naphthyl esters (α—naphthyl acetate,β—naphthyl acetate,β—naphthyl caproate) were obtained by kinetics of hydrolyses of naphthyl esters.


Whole series of organic compounds, among them acetaldehyde, acetic acid, and acetic


Methods Protein in blood and urine was precipitated directly by acetonitrile with acetanilide was used as the internal standard using Agilent Zorbax SB-Aq column (250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm). The mixed solvents of water (triethylamine 0.12%, acetic acid 0.12%) and acetonitrile were used as the mobile phase to separate cephalosporins using gradient elution method at 1 mL/min and 254 nm.

以乙酰苯胺为内标,血液和尿液用乙腈直接沉淀蛋白,采用Agilent Zorbax SB-Aq(250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm)色谱柱,流动相选用水(含0.12%三乙胺和0.12%乙酸)和乙腈的混合溶剂梯度洗脱,流速1 mL/min,检测波长254 nm。

UV 254nm, 366nm and anisaldehyde as a chromogenic agent were used for detecting compounds of these strains. Results indicate that the metabolites of these strains were the most abundant when these strains were fermented in No.1 and No.4 media, and only few in No.2 and No.3. Metabolites of each strain were different in different media.


We provide intermediates of Methylphenidate HCl: 2-Phenyl-2-(2-Piperidyl) Acetamide; 2-Phenyl-2-(2-Piperidyl) Acetic Acid; Series of Benzoic Acid、Benzonitrile; Other pharmaceutical intermediates.


Twelve kinds of volatile products in the fermentation broth were determined, in which ethanol, acetic acid, 1, 2-ethanediol, butanoic acid and glycerine were the major compounds, and they can be utilized by methanogenic organism directly or be changed into compounds that can be utilized by methanogens organism directly.

MC1分解木薯渣过程中可溶性物质总含量开始为18%,3 d后达到最高,为33%,GC-MS测定挥发性产物的总量在培养6 d后达到最高,挥发性产物共检测出12种,其中量较大的化合物为乙醇、乙酸、乙二醇、丁酸及甘油,这些产物为甲烷发酵菌可直接利用或者容易转化为甲烷菌直接利用的成分。

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Artist managements are private firms, and nobody's business but their own.


But if it is not a fixed point, it 抯 a living thing, moving


Likewise, airway and windpipe linings have surface cells and glands that produce mucus and other fluids.
