英语人>网络例句>之流 相关的搜索结果


与 之流 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arguments designed to show the biblical and logical strengths of the doctrine of the Son's full deity or vice versa the weakness of Arius's subordinationism would not be likely to be effective unless the instinctive fear of an implied modalism were addressed and shown to be without solid foundation.


What the hell is Black Tassel Hill ?


The whole PPT-reports of the Forum have put into "Complex Network Science Forum Circle" on Science Network in China (Please see: hettp//www.sciencene.cn/g/ComplexNets ) and also appear on the CCAST-WL Webside (Please see: www.ccast.ac.cn/workshop ). Main issues of the Forum are associated main subject of Network Science with application, including: review and outlook of network science ,spreading model of the H1N1 influenza virus , dynamics of neural network , brain functional networks,dynamics of topological structure, military network science with application, space structure of complex networks, community structure,,stationary e fficiency of coevolutionary networks , significance of community structure,,relationshipe between structure and dynamics of complex network, generalized synchronization and control, consensus of multi-agent systems, evolutionary game and friendship network, s preading of epidemic based on human and animal mobility pattern, complex network engineerings, and so on.

本届论坛文集共收编了32篇 ppt 报告,已经公布在中国科学网"复杂网络论坛圈"上(请看: hettp//www.sciencene.cn/g/ComplexNets 并且也发表在中国高等科学技术中心网站上( the CCAST-WL Webside )(请看: www.ccast.ac.cn/workshop ),这些报告内容丰富,各具特色,颇有创新,基本涵盖了近年来我国网络科学领域若干重要课题的研究进展和丰硕成果,课题研究颇有深度,不仅具有现实意义的重要课题(如甲型流感全球大爆发之经验统计及其传播模型),而且有前沿课题:生物神经网络系统的动力学与大脑网络,还有一系列重要课题:网络拓扑结构的动力学识别与估计、军事网络科学、网络科学在工程应用、多个体一致性、网络结构与动力学之间关系、同步-协同-中性稳定性和流型的稳定性、网络系统的协调动力学与控制、复杂网络的空间结构、连续系统和离散系统中的广义同步、疾病免疫算法、网络节点匹配、电力网、供应链网、化工网、通讯网与保密通信,等等。

In our experience, nail trephination with heated paper clip is a simple and effective metohd to relieve pain immediately without any anesthesia, possible infection and nail deformity.


Love must stay in the shade of trivialism and mediocrity between two people who never learn to enjoy the lure of solitude.


The motive of this thesis is based on the author's long term observation of the unproportionate concerns of food tourism despite its major position in cultural tourism. Hopefully this thesis could recall our society paying more attention to the food tourism. As the saying goes "Deeds speak louder than words", this thesis will try to analyze the direction of our cultural tourism and characteristics of food tourism, and observe the change of journeys and opinions of tourists from Mainland China. From this we then propose suggestions of how to integrate food tourism into cultural tourism to build up a new era of food tourism in Taiwan. This thesis is composed of four chapters.


The purpose of this project is to study the steady and unsteady turbine cascade flows by using a new adaptive upwind finite-volume approach.


The poet, that beautified the sect, that was otherwise inferior to the rest, said yet excellently well: 'it is a pleasure, to stand upon the shore, and to see ships tossed upon the sea; a pleasure to stand in the window of a castle, and to see a battle, and the adventures thereof below: but no pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage ground of truth:' (a hill not to be commanded, and where the air is always clear and serene;) 'and to see the errors, and wanderings, and mists, and tempests, in the vale below;' so always, that this prospect be with pity, and not with swelling, or pride.

"有一派感性主义哲学〈指伊璧鸠鲁派哲学家克莱修( Lucretius ,罗马人,约前99—约前55)。名著有《特质论》。认为感觉是一切的尺度〉在许多方面是肤浅的,但其中一位诗人却由於向往真理而流芳於世。他曾说过:"居高临下遥看颠簸于大海中的航船是愉快的,站在堡垒中遥看激战中的战场也是愉快的,但是没有能比攀登于真理的高峰之上(一座高出一切的山陵,在那里的空气永远是澄清而宁静的),俯视尘世中的种种谬误与迷障、迷雾和风暴之变更愉快了!

I was swept away by the vibrance of I Saw Three Ships. In a kick- up-your-heels irish romp, Schmidt's fingers dance an impromptu Riverdance. Schmidt's own arrangement, Christmas Morning, is an upbeat tune that celebrates all the best of Christmas morning: the anticipation of opening brightly colored packages, waking up early to that first cup of hot coffee, and being caught in the whirlwind called cooking the Christmas dinner. And, finally, his rendering of Silent Night struck just the right chord for me--reverent jubilation. His almost silent introduction builds to a joyful crescendo.

我被第三曲《 I Saw Three Ships》打动,Schmidt的手指即兴舞了一曲大河之舞,Schmidt为我们精心描绘了一幅蓝图:那是个欢乐的曲调,所有最好的庆贺都放在圣诞节的早晨,打开色彩明亮圣诞礼物包装盒时的期盼、清晨早早地醒来第一杯温热的咖啡、卷入烹饪圣诞晚餐的旋流,最后,他几乎诮无声息地带我们进入一个欢乐的高潮,Schmidt将他圣诞节的爱明显地表露在他的演奏之中。

The current second-generation and third-generation (3G) mobile communication systems operate with narrow audio bandwidth limited to 200-3400Hz.As wireless systems are evolving from voice-telephony dominated services to multimedia and high-speed data services, the introduction of a wider bandwidth of 50–7000 Hz speech codec which provides substantially improved speech quality and naturalness is quite necessary. The Adaptive Multi-rate Wideband speech codec which was selected by 3GPP/ETSI and ITU-T can provide natural, present and comfortable codec speech and have higher intelligence and robustness in wireless systems. A wide range of applications are envisioned for AMR-WB, including ISDN wideband telephony and audio/video teleconferencing,Voice over IP and Internet applications such as IP video conferencing, voice mail, voice chat, broadcast, and voice streaming.

随着现代无线通信特别是多媒体通信的发展,人们对语音通信的质量要求越来越高。3GPP/ETSI TS026和ITU-T 722.2标准确定的自适应宽带语音编解码器AMR-WB具有的低比特率、互操作性和高语音质量,使之不仅能够应用于无线通信领域,而且可广泛应用于其他各种通信系统和平台,包括:VoIP、因特网、PSTN高质量音频会议、音频流、ISDN宽带电话、ISDN可视电话和电视会议等。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
