英语人>网络例句>之流 相关的搜索结果


与 之流 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The thesis studies the difference between GWSs composition and traditional workflow applications, proposes the implement mechanism and technical architecture of GWSs composition and defines the reference model of GWSs composition platform, which provide holistic framework and top-level guidance for studying dynamic GWSs composition technology, designing GWSs composition platform, and implementing representative composite service applications.2、Theories and methods of composite process modeling and process analysis. This thesis proposes a meta-model of Geo-spatial Web services composition process defining from two aspects, i.e. process and resource. According to the process definition meta-model, we propose a new Geo-spatial Web services composition Process/Resource model based on extended WF-net, which effectively resolves the problems on uncertain activity option and dynamic variation of service in composite process model. A notion with regard to soundness of process model is proposed from three aspects, i.e. the structural correctness of process model, validity of data link and validity of resource. The notion of soundness definitely gives a dividing line on correctness of composite GWS process. This thesis analyzes sufficient and essential terms of soundness, and studies compositional property of WSCP/R-net models which provides an effective method to construct a soundness WSCP/R-net model. According to WSCP/R-net, the thesis proposes composition algebra and studies the properties of it. Based on the composition algebra, 6 kinds of composite process reduction rules are induced to optimize the process.3、Geo-spatial Web service QoS model and its application architecture. This thesis proposes an extendable GWS QoS model from three aspects, i.e. Geo-spatial Web Service itself, networking conditions and service consumer which can be used to distinguish GWSs with overlapping or identical functionality. We work over the QoS evaluation methods of composite GWS process which can be used to guide the execution, monitor and service selection of composition process. Aming at some disadvantages in traditional Web service discovery model for its lacking of QoS supporting, this thesis proposes a new service discovery model SDMQ supporting QoS constraints.4、Technologies of composite service executing. SSPL, a new composite service process language, is defined to overcome the disadvantages of existing composite services process languages which can not adapt to the dynamic variation of Geo-spatial Web Services. An algorithm is described to translate WSCP/R-net model into SSPL. The thesis studies the model of dynamic services selection with QoS global optimization, presenting an algorithm GODSS to resolve dynamic services selection with QoS global optimization in GWSs Composition.5、Design and implement experimental system and representative applications. According to the research findings presented above, we design and implement an experimental system and construct two representative applications to show that our achievements are effective and practical.


In this research, we try to find a more practical formula for calculating the impact force of boulders. We infer an academic formula from the elastic collision theory. Then, in the experiments, we simulate the impact by debris flow with mixed diameters in order to correct the result formula. We hope we can provide a reference for future slit dam design and debris flow prevention.


In general, the design work with traditional measures is done by hand, which cannot meet the needs of the technology and manufacture. So the author has developed a CAD hydraulic design software fit for lower specific speed axial flow runner, which is easily operated by users.The main research work of this paper is as follows:1 Analyzing the main reason of axial flow power station cannot work well under littler volume of flow in some season and putting forward an improving scheme, pointing out the characters of design under abnormal factors.2 Combined with the development of the industry in our country, the abnormal hydraulic design method of propeller turbine is discussed based on present literature, data and experiment results.3 Guided by the design method of software engineering, a suit of hydraulic design software of Lower Specific Speed Axial Flow Runner is programmed by the object-oriented programming language Visual Basic and a straightforward, concise and standard Windows human-computer dialogue interface is designed for the system, which makes the operation of the system very convenient.4 ActiveX Automation technology is adopted as the interface with AutoCAD and the hydraulic drawings are edited, modified by AutoCAD until hydraulic model drawings according with the demand of engineering practice are output.5 To resolve practice problem, the author has designed a lower specific speed axial flow runner for Duowa Power Station through an example.

论文的主要内容有:1 深入分析很多轴流定桨式水电站枯水季节小流量下不能发电的主要原因,提出减容改造方案,并指出超常规条件下的改造设计特点。2 结合国情及行业发展需要,参考现有资料、文献和前人的研究成果,进行低比转速轴流式转轮叶片水力设计方法的研究,对轴流式转轮叶片的奇点分布法水力设计进行了全面的探索,结合现代计算机技术,找到了一种针对特殊条件的轴流式转轮叶片水力设计方法。3 仔细比较多种AutoCAD二次开发工具后,结合本课题的特点,选用Visual Basic语言,综合应用软件工程的设计思想,进行低比转速轴流式转轮叶片水力设计软件的编制,为系统设计了直观、简洁和标准的Windows人机对话界面,便于用户操作;编程时在考虑到设计条件特殊性的同时,尽量做到程序的通用性,使之可用于解决同一类问题;另外,大部分程序还可移植到普通轴流式转轮叶片水力设计中,具有良好的适应性。4 利用ActiveX Automation技术与AutoCAD接口,对AutoCAD进行二次开发,在AutoCAD下实现水力图的自动生成和编辑,直至输出符合实际工程要求的木模图。5 通过算例,为多哇水电站设计了一个低比转速轴流定桨式转轮,解决其在枯水期小流量下不能发电的问题。

Seepage velocity smoothly change from a steady value to a new steady value, the ratio of the new steady value over the original steady value might increase hundreds of thousand times or even more, but it is always finite.(3)Water-inrush goes with the failure of rock strata, but seepage velocity can not increase unendingly, so seepage flow cant be unstable.


Capillary phenomena was studied and discussed by the scholars about 200 years ago, but the progress was slow due to the limited equipments and manufacture precision of the microchannel.In recent years, because of the rapid development of MEMS and micromachining, many applications of the capillary flow is widely developing in some modern processes, such as underfilling of flip chip, flow in microfluidic chip or biochip, and a variety of other fields.

摘要 毛细现象大约在200年前便断断续续被欧美学者所研究讨论,但由於当时微细加工受到仪器设备和制造精度的限制,因此发展极为缓慢;近年来由於微机电系统与微细加工之精进,许多具有微流道的应用设备,陆续被制作问世,加上光学显微镜与影像撷取设备的普遍,对於研究此课题的推展极有助益;且随著微生医、覆晶底胶充填与微流体系统等领域之受到重视,毛细现象导致的充填问题、驱动原理及液体流动的控制,都变得相当的重要;本研究基於如此的动机与目的,进行微流道内液体之毛细流动现象及时间的探讨。

In order to calibrate the model, data of six typhoons such as the flood peak and the peak time are collected to compare with the result of the simulations. The result shows that the difference of the inflow hydrograph between them is very close. The average error of the flood peak is 5.21%. Furthermore, the error of the peak time is less than one hour but Wenny Typhoon is an exception by more than two hours. Therefore, the model could be applied to simulate the rainfall event at Shih-men watershed.


Based on the detailed study of seismic tomography image in South China, and according to the geotectonic environment and shape and heat of asthenosphere upwelling, we divided the structure of lithosphereasthenosphere at the Mesozoic upper mantle of Eastern China into three types.(1)Continental platform area (North China platform and Yangtze platform): asthenosphere upwelled along paleorift; over the plume head, the granitic rocks of crust and mantle mixed and correspondingly, Au, Cu, Mo, PbZn, etc. mineralizationconcentrated regions were formed; and at the steep contact belt of asthenosphere and the thick area of lithosphere, mediatebasic complex was formed.(2)Central area of fold zone: asthenosphere was "recumbent" at suitable depth, with adequate heat and in a great extent; by heat conduction, the interior of partial crust remelted, and the crustsource granitic rocks, and correspondingly, W, Sn and rare elements mineralizationconcentrated regions were formed.


In this work, we investigate fluid mixing in zigzag micromixers with 90-degree bendings; both uniform cross-section and periodically divergent-convergent channels are considered.


This study revealed that livestock organizations should enhance auditing content of copper and zinc in animal feeds, track accumulation of copper and zinc in pig manure which fertilize the cropland, provide pig farm owners education of pig feeds heavy metal content and environmental protection of pig farm, draw up strategy of integrated culture pig farms which set up Solid-liquid separation equipment and establish Taiwan pig farms SFA database.


The research results are highly reproducible owing to the repeatable micro-model technique.(2) Quantifying the Kr-S-P curves in two-phase flow. The validity and adaptability of multi-phase curves are verified using micro-model testing bed tailored to adequate scale of pores. Results obtained from the P-S micro-model tests generally agree with the threshold values of displacement mechanism offered by researchers using geometric shapes. The hysteresis of .experimental Kr-S curves of numerous two-phase flows are depicted in terms of connectivity and humidification. The P-S and Kr-S curves of two-phase flow are well-derived in conjunction with micro-model test results and empirical van Genuchten model. For the curve expressing the relation between saturation and capillary pressure, experimental results of water-air flow system corresponds to the theoretical data.

2二相流体对微模型实验之Kr-S-P关系:包括以孔颈尺寸比例组成微模型板实验平台去证实多相流流动主要特性曲线正确性与适用性;验证水和空气二相流之P-S微模型实验,与前人以几何形状所推估出来的置换机制门槛值大致吻合;以连通性及润湿性等解释多组二相流体对Kr-S曲线实验之迟滞现象;以微模型实验结果配合van Genuchten特性曲线经验式互推估二相流体对之P-S与Kr-S 曲线,推估结果良好;以比例原则推估多组二相流体於毛细压力-饱和度曲线的结果,显示在水和空气二相流体对为参考流体对时,推估其他组流体对吻合度最佳。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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