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与 主笔的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oct. 6, 2003 A five-week high-protein diet improves glycemic control and lipid profiles without adversely affecting renal function in type 2 diabetes, according to the results of a study published in the October issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition . The editorialist praises the study design, but all agree that long-term outcomes studies are now needed.

Oct。 6, 2003 -根据10月份「美国临床营养学期刊(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)」所发表的一项研究结果显示,第二型糖尿病患者采用五周的高蛋白饮食可改善患者的血糖控制以及血脂浓度,却没有肾功能方面的副作用,本期刊之总主笔对这个研究设计大表赞赏,但所有人也都同意目前仍需要有长期的研究结果才能加以确认。

I am twenty-two blocks from where Rudolph Valentino lay in state, eight blocks from where Nathan Hale was executed, five blocks from the publisher's office where Ernest Hemingway hit Max Eastman on the nose, four miles from where Walt Whitman sat sweating out editorials for the Brooklyn Eagle, thirty-four blocks from the street Willa Cather lived in when she came to New York to write books about Nebraska, one block from where Marceline used to clown on the boards of the Hippodrome, thirty-six blocks from the spot where the historian Joe Gould kicked a radio to pieces in full view of the public, thirteen blocks from where Harry Thaw shot Stanford White, five blocks from where I used to usher at the Metropolitan Opera and only 112 blocks from the spot where Clarence Day the elder was washed of his sins in the Church of the Epiphany (I could continue this list indefinitely); and for that matter I am probably occupying the very room that any number of exalted and somewise memorable characters sat in, some of them on hot, breathless afternoons, lonely and private and full of their own sense of emanations from without..


I was in the act of resigning my berth on the paper when the chief arrived, and with him a rabble of charmed and enthusiastic friends


Ex-Saturday Night Live head writer Tina Fey's much-hyped NBC sitcom 30 Rock premiered to disappointing numbers last night, coming in third in its time period, according to Nielsen overnights.

前《周六直播夜》主笔人Tina Fey大肆宣传的NBC情景喜剧昨晚首播的结果另人失望。根据尼尔森的调查,收视只位于同时段的第三。

第2/2页 首页 < 1 2

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
