英语人>网络例句>中间件 相关的搜索结果


与 中间件 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The design of home control system using ITV SDF middleware present in this thesis will have many meanings to the development of digital home application using ITV SDF middleware.

本文提出的基于 SDF 数字家庭中间件的数字家居软件设计与实现,对开发基于 SDF 数字家庭中间件的数字家居应用有较大的指导意义。

Firstly, current work does not study the fundamental of reflective middleware in the problem domain and solution space respectively.


Mainstream distributed application systems are middleware based systems presently, but common middleware lack of real-time capacity.Real-time middleware offers a common soft bus framework eliminated distributed real-time systems unhandy architecture.


Using the protocol of GIOP/IIOP, application programmers of client invocate object of remote trough middleware development flat .Because of requiring of systems resource ? server is usually desktop computer .


Middleware is a productor for the development of the multilayer client/server model.


Middleware is a productor for the development of the multilayer client/server model. With the abroad use of the Internet and the growing demand for more and larger scaled distributed applications based on multiplayer client/server, middleware must be the most competitive approach to implement those applications.


In the thesis, the PKI end system realizes application security and variety by encapsuling SSL protocol into application layer and offering the application interface in it directly.


This article is based on the task, which is called "the theory and the method of the cooperation design of the die of bodywork forming technique based on the web".


The structure of the thesis is as following. In chapter 1, the background and significance of the POAS and QVS of MSDPS are introduced. Then the function requirements of them are analyzed in chapter 2. Chapter 3 shows a deep insight and argument into various related dominant techniques such as cluster load balancing technology, message-oriented middleware, text-based burning and printing device, Eclipse RCP, Java image process, remote sending data format-oriented middleware,Hibernate technology and etc.

本文从&多元卫星海量数据处理与存储系统&的背景意义与内容入手,分析了遥感卫星数据产品输出系统和产品常规质量检验系统的功能需求,并对遥感卫星数据产品输出系统和产品常规质量检验系统的建设过程中所涉及到的异构环境下的消息中间件、群集负载均衡技术、基于文本的自动刻录打印技术、Eclipse RCP架构、遥感图像信息中间件、Java图像处理、Hibernate持久化数据库等关键性技术进行了深入的分析研究和论证,提出了有针对性的建设方案。

To reduce the cost of the small enterprises information systems, developing the small enterprises information systems public service flat based on the ASP mode could resolve these problems effectively.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
