英语人>网络例句>中脉 相关的搜索结果


与 中脉 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Modifications of Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support The treatments listed in the standard ACLS Pulseless Arrest Algorithm, including recommendations and doses for defibrillation,medications, and intubation, apply to cardiac arrest in the pregnant woman.


It produces a voltage, which has equal amplitude and opposite di rection against the distortion voltage contained in power system with PWM invert er, and then it is injected to network through transformer by lower-pass filter.


By a voltage-traced SPWM technology, the sine pulse width modulation wave was derived and the project of voltage output was designed. Resultantly, the microcontroller was fully used in the variable-frequency power system.


At first, this paper gives the brief introduction of the history and present status of accelerometer and its testing technology, the working principium and math model of the liquid floated pendu-lous accelerometer, and then, decides the binary width pulse force retrim loop as the design proposal of testing system, researches the transfer function of every part in the system emphasizly, analyses the stability of the whole accelerometer testing system from the angle of control theoretics by the open loop transfer function of system, and designed the correcting net, analyses the basal problems such as resolution, sampling restraint, precision and so on, designs the hardware testing circuits such as preamplification, band-pass filter, alternating amplifier, phase sensitive demodulatorn, pulse-width modulation, frequency scale circuit, moment current generator. Finally, using the graphics program language LabV-IEW which is designed for testing field especially by NI accomplishes the solfware design of testing system,realized the testing functions.


Lowermost leaf sheath retrorsely strigose at base, uppermost sheaths closed 1/6–1/3 of length; blade grayish green, flat, folded, or involute, papery, 2–8 mm wide, abaxially smooth, adaxially nearly smooth to densely scabrid along prominent veins, apex slender prow-tipped; ligule white or off white to brownish or yellowish, membranous-papery.


Scape usually longer than leaves, with 2-3 flowers each with 1bract, floral bract hooded, broad-ovate, as long as ovary, blunt and usually 3-lobed at apex; flower green-yellow, dorsal sepal white with yellow-green veins and green base, elliptic, 4-4.5cm long, short-pointed at apex, keeled on back, pubescent at base inside, petals very long, pendulous, twist, linear, 8.5-12cm long,6mm wide in middle; lip reversed helmet-shaped, longer than dorsal sepal, with claw almost as long as hood, side lobes inflexed, auricles large and nearly broad-triangular; staminode obcordate; stamens with thick and short filaments; ovary rostrate, 5.5cm long, glabrous.

花茎常长于叶,具2~3朵花,每花具一枚苞片,花苞片兜状,宽卵形,和子房等长,顶端钝而常3浅裂;花绿黄色,重萼片白色而有黄绿色的脉和绿色的基部,椭圆形,长4~5.5cm ,短尖,背面具龙骨状突起,基部内侧被短柔毛;花瓣极长,悬垂,扭曲,条形,长8.2~12cm ,中部宽约6mm ;唇瓣倒盔状较中萼片长,具爪,爪几乎和兜等长,具内折侧裂片,耳大而近阔三角形;退化雄蕊倒心形,上面基部具一个角状突起;雄蕊具短粗的花丝;子房具喙,长约5.5cm ,无毛。

Leaves oblanceolate or narrowly obovate, 1-1.6 × 0.4-0.6 cm, lateral veins obscure and not rugulose on either surface; male flowers shortly pedicellate.

叶倒披针形的或狭倒卵形, 1-1.6 * 0.4-0.6 厘米,在两个表面中的任一个上的侧脉不明显和并非微皱;雄花有短花梗。

Methods To determine the content difference of main secondary metabolites from 3 different provenances roots of Rumex gmelini planted in the same growth condition by HPLC.


ConclusionThe difference of the main secondary metabolites is determined by the provenances in the root of Rumex gmelini planted in the same growth condition.


ObjectiveTo determine the amino acids in root of Rumex gmelini with precolumn derivatization.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
