英语人>网络例句>中脉 相关的搜索结果


与 中脉 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The presence of REE tetrad effects in apatites and whole rocks of S-type granites has been reported by Sha and Chappell (1999) and Zhao et al.(1999), respectively. The REE tetrad effect in minerals, such as apatite, spessartite, beryl, alkali feldspar and spodumene, from all zones of Altay No. 3 pegmatite has been found remarkable, and the fractionations among isovalent incompatible elements in these minerals are also significant. This paper puts forward that the REE tetrad effect is one of the basic features of peraluminous melts and the origin of REE tetrad effect might be probably related to some processes prior to the formation of pegmatite magma. The immiscibile liquid separation between silicate melt and hydrosaline melt may be responsible for it.

由于阿尔泰3号伟晶岩脉各带磷灰石以及与其共生的石榴石、绿柱石、碱性长石、锂辉石矿物均存在明显的稀土"四重效应"以及相同电价、相似离子半径的不相容元素间存在显著的分异,并结合最近赵振华等(1999)和Sha and Chappell(1999)报道S型花岗岩全岩和单矿物(磷灰石、独居石、长石、黄玉等)均存在稀土"四重效应"这一现象,本文研究提出,稀土"四重效应"是富挥发分过铝质岩浆体系的一个基本特征,其机制既不可能由含稀土的副矿物早期结晶引起残余熔体相中REE含量变化的结果,也不能定性地归因于流体相与熔体相相互作用过程中稀土元素在流体/熔体之间分异的结果,而很可能与伟晶岩岩浆形成之前某些过程密切相关,S型花岗岩岩浆在液相线以上存在硅酸盐熔体与高盐熔体的不混溶液相分离有可能是过铝质岩浆体系产生稀土"四重效应"的主要原因。

In the ascent to 3000 and to retain great enough balance to assure non-ascension into disease, the goal becomes to balance each charka and system in the etheric body so that there is the presence of all four elements therein.


Although the etheric cellular structure of an ascending vessel will be primary in color, the language of light notes prevail in the weaving of the charka system, subtle body and light body along with greater global auric field as initiations 2000-3000 is mastered.


The fats hold such vibrations in the physical form leading to a vibration that has enough molecules to support all lay lines, meridians and grid work rewoven within the etheric body, charka system, subtle bodies, light body or body double, and greater solar sized auric field.


In software, the method of reducing commutation torque pulsation is brought into effect.


Complex of the time series of differential pressure fluctuation transmission.


Third, the fact that most of the Lao Tse interpreters then were Confucianists points to the main role Confucianists played in the continuation of Laoist school then.


Leaves alternate, simple, petiolate, stipulate, venation craspedodromous or camptodromous and merely toothed, margin serrate or lobed, folded or convolute in bud.

叶互生,单,,具托叶,脉序craspedodromous或camptodromous 和仅仅齿,浅裂的边缘有锯齿或,在芽中折叠或旋卷。

Cryptical blasting, fluid boiling and meteoric water mixing are reasons of gold deposition in the deposit, forming cement type and vein type mineralisation .


Photographer/ Filmmaker/ Painter/ Obsessive dabbler. Fingers in many hot pies - advertising, fashion and Art. On an Ahab style mission to plunge into the pulsating infinate! A quest to snare the elusive and ephemeral.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
