英语人>网络例句>中脉 相关的搜索结果


与 中脉 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stamens coherent in pairs, anther thecae not confluent; leaf blade margin serrate, at least near apex; lateral veins 3-5 on each side of midrib; bract and sepal margin entire.


Petiole 0.5-1.9 cm; leaf blade ovate, elliptic, or elliptic-lanceolate, 1.7-3.5(-6) cm wide, secondary veins 2(or 3) on each side of midvein.


Leaf narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, 10–20 cm; margin sharply serrate; secondary veins 14–17 on each side of midvein

披针形叶狭椭圆形,10-20厘米;边缘锐有锯齿;次脉14-17在中脉两边各 34 Q。 lanata 通麦栎

Leaf blade papery; secondary veins 6–8 on each side of midvein; cupules enclosing ca.

叶片纸质;次脉6-8在中脉两边各;壳斗大约3/4的坚果附上;壳斗的苞片不黏着到在壳斗的壁外边 24 Q。

Lemma midvein extended into 0.5–2 mm awn; lateral veins extended into 0.2–0.7 mm mucros

中脉Lemma延长到0.5-2毫米芒;侧脉延长到0.2-0.7毫米短尖头 3

Female inflorescence oblong-cylindric or oblong; lobes of bracts with apex not reflexed; leaves with 9-21 lateral veins on each side of midvein

雌花序长圆形圆筒状或长圆形;苞片具先端的裂片不反折;叶具9-21侧脉在中脉两边各 12 Betula delavayi 高山桦

Leaves opposite, petiolate to almost sessile; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, secondary veins 1 or 2(or 3) on each side of midvein.


Female inflorescence to 15 cm; leaves ovate, ovate-oblong, elliptic, or ovate-elliptic, lateral veins (10-)15-25 on each side of midvein.


Leaves with petiole 15-50 cm; leaflets 2-8 pairs; petiolules short, less than 5 mm, stout; blades abaxially becoming brown when dry, adaxially deep green, slightly shiny, first pair ovate, evidently smaller, gradually larger toward leaf apex, elliptic-ovate to narrowly elliptic, 3-20 cm, leathery, abaxially densely tomentose, adaxially hairy only on midvein and lateral veins, lateral veins ca. 10 pairs, tips not reaching margin, base broadly cuneate to rounded, margin entire, apex obtuse or rounded, rarely acute. Inflorescences compound racemose, only branched once, densely flowered on upper part of branches; bracts subulate.

叶柄15-50厘米;小叶2-8 对;小叶柄短,不到5毫米,坚固;干燥时的叶片背面的变得的棕色,正面深的绿色,稍发亮,第一对卵形,明显小,逐渐大在叶先端,椭圆状卵形的到狭椭圆形,3-20厘米,革质,背面的密被绒毛,正面有毛的只在中脉和侧脉上,花序复总状,只是分枝一次,在分枝的上半部分上的花密集;苞片钻形。

Leaves large; leaf blade leathery; abaxial surface whitish papillose or glaucous, scales 0.5–2 × their own diameter apart or sometimes contiguous, saucer-shaped or vesicular, deeply sunk in pits, golden yellow to brown or dark brown; adaxial surface glabrous or scaly, sometimes setose on midrib and veins.

叶大; 叶片革质背面带白色具小乳突或有白霜,鳞片相距为其直径的0.5-2倍或有时邻接,茶托状或囊状的,深深下沉具洼点,金黄色到棕色或暗褐色;在中脉和脉上无毛或者有鳞,有时具刚毛的正面。

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