英语人>网络例句>中止 相关的搜索结果


与 中止 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Studied the low temperature sensitivity coefficient effect on high energy nitroamine propellant throgh the termination experiment,closed bomb experiment and interior ballistic experiment.


One winter night, he finally nolle our love relationship.


The endpoint ophthalmological evaluation was at 24 months or at the termination of the first biological agent.


As to butylene oxide and secondary oxonium ion the barrier was determined to be 92.672kJ/mol.The reaction between oxonium ion and water in the polymerization of THF was investigated too.


Results:Out of the nine tuberculose patients,six healed after second operation,one sinus formation,two died.Out of the two disruption of wound,one was re-sutured and healed,the other healed after a long term of dressing changing.Seven infectious incision were controlled within one month.Out of the nine cerebrospinal fluid fistulae,eight were cured conservatively,only one spinal meninges was repaired.One epidural hematoma was cleared and made a good healing.Out of the two mold infection,one was cured after focal clearing,the other developed to chronic recurrent sinusitis.Four patients with sore healed after decompression.The other eight patients (four by hemostasis narcotic,two by liquefied fat,two by dermal allergic papular eczema) had good healing after intra-red therapy.


The automatic stay is a system in bankruptcy law, it brings to a halt and prohibits all acts direct at the debtor to recover a prepetition claim and all other collections will have negative influence on property of the debtor's estate should cease upon the filing of a petition.


Collect Agrobacterium cells by centrifugation at 4,000g for 10 min at room temperature, and gently resuspend cells in 1 volume of freshly made 5% sucrose solution with a stirring bar.

在 4,000g 的离心分离的 8|收集 Agrobacterium 细胞 10 分钟在室温,而且逐渐地以一根活泼的酒吧新做的 5%蔗糖解决在 1 册中再中止细胞。

2And in a best - selling book ,Lester Thurowtold us that America would soon be going head tohead with a Germanled Europe in the st ruggle forworld market s.


Staminodes apically entire and sagittate, or 3-sect; fertile stamens 3 (sometimes 1 or 2 aborted), all inserted opposite sepals

顶部的退化雄蕊是整个和箭头形,或者3全裂;可育雄蕊3(有时1或2 中止),全部着生的与萼片对生 8 Murdannia 水竹叶属

With months of age increased and the progressive eruption of teeth, salivation self-suspension, the general does not require treatment.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
