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与 中弱 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Correlation coefficient: 0.9962 . Positively charged'free'complex ions should be readily quenched by 〓, but when it is bound to DNA, it can be protected from the quencher because the highly negatively charged 〓 would be repelled by the negative DNA phosphated backbone, hindering quenching of the emission of the bound complex.


Photoinhibition is the major stress to submerged macrophytes because of its complete submarine feature.


physicochemistry experiment ; conductivity ; acetic acid ; weak electrolyte ; dissociate equilibrium ; constant

在实验教学中,也一直沿用这一方法,并将电导率的测定应用于弱电解质溶液离解平衡常数的测定[4 ,5] 。

The experimental results show that the interaction between polysilicic acid characterized negative charge and hydrolyzed aluminum species results in the decrease in the charge-neutralizing ability of PASC, in comparison with PAC.

研究结果表明,在 PASC 中,由于带负电荷的聚硅酸与铝水解聚合产物间的相互作用,使得 PASC 的电中和能力较 PAC 有所下降,其下降程度与 PASC 的碱化度和 Al/Si 摩尔比密切相关,B 值和 Al/Si 摩尔比越小,则 PASC 的电中和能力就越弱。

GnRH-ir fibers distribute in the various brain region from the olfactory bulb to the cerebellum. They are especially abundant in the hypothalamus, the preoptic area and the ventral telecephalon. The immunopositive reaction in precocious fish is evidently stronger than that in unprecocious fish, and there is only very weak reaction in the gonadal undeveloped fish. The differences are most obvious in the hypothalamus, but not in other areas.


O?C?Cu isotopes. revealing that the mixed hydrothermal fluid of magmatic water and meteoric water reactivated the ore elements in the carbonate rocks and quartz diorite. Copper was transported, as Clcomplexes in the ore fluid and precipitated to enrich and thicken the primary sedimentary protore.


Experimental investigations on pulsant behaviors of particle flow were carried out on a two-dimensional spouted bed using PIV .

本文基于 PIV 处理颗粒流动图像获得了颗粒流动的瞬时速度;基于功率谱密度分布对瞬时速度的分析结果表明,喷射区轴线的中下部颗粒存在较强的速度脉动,环隙区颗粒速度脉动较弱;研究发现喷动周期与床体压力脉动周期基本一致。

Experimental studies were conducted at the Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences during the period from March to June in 2003 . Respiration of a pulverous sandstone soil was studied under cultivation of winter wheat over a growth season . Soil CH4 was measured by the Static-Chamber method combined with Gas Chromatography technique .


Result The fruits of 5 tested sweet carambola cultivars had PPO activity. All PPO activity could strongly catalyze oxidative activity of pyrogallic acid, but they were very weak for the oxidative activity of chlorogenic acid.


Compared with therapeutic effect of Simvastatin, the effect of low-intensity laser rhinal radiation was weaker, however, it was effective and utilize the low-intensity laser radiation therapy on patients with abnormal liver function.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
