英语人>网络例句>中弱 相关的搜索结果


与 中弱 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has been veritably recorded, and interweaving dynamically in sound, words and images to continue the dialogue's vital and multiple dimensions in reconfiguring every real spatial event which has strong or slight influences on each individual.


Hyphae, loaded with CTC under pH 6. 8 condition and then grown in pH 8. 0 medium for a little while to destroy the apical acidification, could gave very diffuse fluorescence images of CTC membrame bound Ca〓 and vermiform fluorescence spots due to mitochondrias under pH 6. 8 no longer were clearly distinquished, which implied that besides mitochondrias, other cellular organelles with Ca〓 also were stained with CTC. Thus mitochondrias are not the only one intracellular Ca〓 storage, endoplasmic reticulums and Golgi bodies in the same zone may be also the Ca〓 storages. But the extreme apical zone under 2μm of the growing hyphal tip was still almost devoid of stain under pH 8. 0.The CTC fluorescence was concentrated in the subapic zone beyond about 2μm from the tip and then gradually became lower behind about 40μm from the tip. These results did not support the hypothesis which suggested that the cell wall vesicles in the extreme apical zone were intracellular Ca〓 storages.

将菌丝在pH6.8条件下负载CTC,再置于pH8.0培养介质中短暂生长一会儿以消散菌丝顶端的酸化区域,则CTC膜结合Ca〓呈现弥散的荧光影像,在pH 6.8培养条件下显示的蠕虫状的线粒体荧光斑点不再能够清晰辨认,说明除了线粒体之外,还有其它含Ca〓细胞器,也被CTC染色,线粒体并不是细胞内唯一Ca〓库,还可能包括内质网、高尔基体等细胞器,但菌丝最顶端2μm以前的细胞壁泡囊区域不能被染色,最大荧光强度仍位于菌丝顶端2μm以后区域,约45μm以后荧光变弱,实验结果不支持细胞壁泡囊为菌丝胞内Ca〓库的假设。

Results demonstrate that the MCC develops in a weak baroclinic environment, a 850 hPa horizontal wind shear line with a vortex dominated in the low levels and an anticyclone in upper levels, without barocli...


I'm looking so closely at what they are going to nerd next to see if they even tell use how we will be tanking and if warriors will even be part of this game anymore, oh ya forgot, that's what deathknights are now, thanks for waisting 4 years of my life blizz.


We show that the solutions for the HARA utility are stable in the sense of weak convergence when the parameters vary in a suitable way.


According to the characteristics of strong global search, but weak local search and slow convergence of genetic algorithm, this paper proposed a new hybrid algorithm which combined GA and PSO, and applied it successfully to automatic software test data generation.


It was under weak extension during the early to middle Jurassic, with the stretching direction in N-S to NNE-SSW, and the stretching deformation mainly occurred in zones surrounding the Ordos basin. Under stable tectonical environment during the early to middle Jurassic,sediment good reseryoirs and seal-cap for Ordos Basin.


Three or four of us, in 1957, put forward a partially complete theory of one of these forces, this weak force.


Weak formulation of mixed state equations including boundary conditions are presented in a cylindrical coordinate system by introducing Hellinger_Reissner variational principle.


When there's weak interaction the appropriate depiction of the electron in condensed matter is Feimi liquid.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
