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Huang and Lin proposed the weak solution concept for Backward Stochastic Differential Equation This paper based on the predecessor's work , gives the weak solution concept for Backward Stochastic Differential Equation with continuous martingale,uses the Girsanov transformation, obtains its weak solution of the existence of a necessary and sufficient conditions, and on this basis obtains its weak solution of the existence of sufficient conditions,these sufficient conditions weakened the drifting coefficient which requested in the existence uniqueness of strong solution to satisfy the Lipschitz condition the request.


The Maschke's Theorem of group algebras is well known, and [Mo2] gives us a version of Maschke's and Dual Maschke's Theorem of finite-dimensional Hopf algebras.


How to judge whether judgement matrix has weak consistency or not is proposed, and the theory and algorithm to find equivalent consistency matrix of weak consistency judgement matrix is designed.


P28 紫色 Formation of a peptide bond 肽键形成–4侧链具有的反应–形成二硫键-其它反应 Tyr,His,Arg Review Isoelectric Point Titration滴定 of an amino acid 滴定 Gly幻灯片 18 His Lys Glu Reaction of amino acids Section 4 Protein isolation and purification 蛋白质分离及提纯 Working With Proteins Experimental techniques for protein analysis and characterization Purification steps A cell contains many types of proteins In the lab we want to isolate a single protein for experiments Purification steps We first grow cells or isolate tissues that contain the protein of interest We break open the cells to produce a crude extract Use centrifugation离心 to separate soluble from insoluble material We fractionate 分离 the protein mixture based on properties of such as size, charge affinity or solubility.

丹磺酰氯与氨基酸反应生成荧光性质强和稳定的磺胺衍生物,用于多肽链NH 用于多肽链 3末端氨基酸的标记烃基化反应(1) 2,4-二硝基氟苯2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene,二硝基氟苯(二硝基氟苯 DNFB也叫做试剂。DNFB在弱碱性溶液也叫做Sanger试剂试剂中与氨基酸发生取代反应,生成黄色化合物二硝基二硝基苯基氨基酸(dinitro phenyl amino acid, DNP氨基酸氨基酸)苯基氨基酸氨基酸(2)苯异硫氰酸酯(phenylisothiocyanate, PITC)在弱碱性条件下,与氨基酸反应在弱碱性条件下,生成苯乙内酰硫脲 PTH衍生物,(phenylthiohydantoin, PTH)衍生物,即PTH-氨基酸,此反应又称之Edman反应,该反应是蛋白质或多肽氨基酸序列测定常用的反应。

In the last chapter, on the basis of theories in paper [4, 5], the notions of strong mixing, weak mixing, generator and expansion of the variable-parametric dynamical system are introduced, it turns out that in variable-parametric dynamical system strong mixing implies weak mixing and then implies transitivity; it is proved that if and both are variable-parametric dynamical system, F conjugates with G , the members of F are communicate with each other and the members of G are also communicate with each other, what's more, they are both homeomorphism, then F is strong mixing implies G has the same properties; futhermore, we prove that F is strong mixing implies F Devaney chaos in the sense of modification in variable-parametric dynamical system and that F Devaney chaos in the sense of modification if and only if G Devaney chaos in the sense of modification when semi-conjugate with and they both are communicate and homeomorphism; at last, we illustrate that F has generator if and only if it has weak generator, and we also prove that if F is expansion, then F has generator.


In midlatitude, the ionospheric response to southward turnings in summer and equinox and by night is stronger, which fades out with latitude decreases. During the recovery phase the irregular fluctuation in the ionosphere comes forth. In low-latitude, the disturbance caused by the turnings is strong in summer and equinox and weak in winter, although it tends to be immersing into the background disturbances.


In this paper the thymus DNA of calf and the pBs plasmid are the main objects of our studies in ultraweak luminescence. By means of PIAS(Photon-counting image acquisition), ultraweak luminescence detector and Lambda Bio 40 of UV/VIS spectrophotometer, we studied the UL of DNA induced by the three oxygen free radicals: singlet oxygen Oa, hydroxy radical and superoxide anion(O2 ). We found that the OH can greatly increase the UL intensity of DNA.

本论文以小牛胸腺DNA和质粒pBs为实验材料,利用光子图像探测系统(Photon-counting image acquistion,PIAS)、微弱发光测量仪和UV/VIS分光光度计和生物统计学的成组比较法原理对单线态氧(~1O_2)、羟自由基、超氧阴离子(O_2~-)三种氧自由基诱导DNA超弱发光的变化过程进行了研究,结果发现这三种氧自由基中·OH能诱导DNA的超弱发光发生显著的增强变化,而其他两种氧自由基对DNA的超弱发光并无显著诱导作用。

The results indicated that the water resources renewability in the Yellow River Basin was in middle level or below, and the whole basin's water resources renewability was very bad. Water resources social renewability of Presidial Cities in the Yellow River basin was in general level, and the others were worse than Presidial Cities, so the main cities' water resources social renewability in the Yellow River Basin was not good generally.


The mature egg cell was an inactive cell with only a few polysomes. At the early zygote stage, a large number of ribosomal precursors were produced by the nucleolus, and many polysomes appeared in the cytoplasm, which suggests a high level of metabolism. Zygote at the dormancy stage had a small nucleolus and marked decrease in ribosomes, as shown by a few polysomes, which suggests decreased metabolism. Zygotes in the prophase of mitosis and two-celled proembryo became active again in metabolism, for a prominent nucleolus, high density of ribosomes and increased number of polysomes in the cytoplasm.


There are three effects that may be important in producing this trend. First, lowtemperature oxidation preferentially affects the finer single-domain magnetites responsible for the Hopkinson peak, which is therefore suppressed in the more oxidized loams. Second, the possible production of uniaxial magnetite with shape anisotropy can also lead to a relatively muted Hopkinson peak. There is, additionally, a third alternative, and the one preferred here, that the natural alteration processes involved in pedogenic susceptibility enhancement have probably depleted the supply of ironbearing precursor phases, so that less new magnetite is formed on heating.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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