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与 中弱 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her voice yields to our silences like a faint light that quivers in fear of the shadow.


The result shows that the qualities of coke were improved generally if coking experiment was done with preliminary disposed coal in which the percentage of weakly caking coal increases to 45%.


The etaloning effects found in experiment were theoretically analyzed and experimentally researched in detail, then the external weak reflection of cavity was confirmed as the source of the effects.


Northern blot analysis showed that ltpp was preferentially expressed in the cotton fiber (10 dpa), and only very weak expression could be detected in the cotton boll and flower.


In addition, there are a large number of strong hydrogenbondings(N-H…O,O-H…O) and weak hydrogen bondings in involving the cations,perchlorate counter-ions,PNOS and water molecules, which result in formation 3-D networkstructure.

晶体中Ni与配体希夫碱中的N 、N(吡吡啶醛类过渡金属希夫碱配合物的合成、晶体结构及谱学表征啶)、O原子配位形成变形的八面体构型,由于分子间,存在大量的强氢键和弱氢键,这些氢键的交互作用使得该配合物形成二维网状结构。

1 The expression of Bax began in the late proliferative phase, the highest level in the involuting phase.


Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute 'Future Maritime Operations' conference in London on 22 November, Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Jonathon Band said that while the RN had previously insisted on configuring its forces for high-intensity warfighting, the "financial and security" realities had persuaded him that there was a case for a larger number of less capable units for tasking in support of maritime interdiction and constabulary operations.

11月22日,在伦敦的皇家联合服务研究所'未来海事行动&会议中发言的海军参谋长兼海军元帅Jonathon Band 谈到皇家海军先前虽然坚持要把打造一支适应高强度的作战行动的部队,但是&国家金融和安全的现实情况迫使他留下大量战斗力较弱的舰只并把它们投入到执行海事封锁及实施治安行动之类的任务中去。

Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute 'Future Maritime Operations' conference in London on 22 November, Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Jonathon Band said that while the RN had previously insisted on configuring its forces for high-intensity warfighting, the "financial and security" realities had persuaded him that there was a case for a larger number of less capable units for tasking in support of maritime interdiction and constabulary operations.

11月22日,在伦敦的皇家联合服务研究所'未来海事行动&会议中发言的海军参谋长兼海军元帅Jonathon Band 谈到皇家海军先前虽然坚持要把打造一支适应高强度的作战行动的部队,但是&国家金融和安全的现实情况迫使他留下大量战斗力较弱的舰只并把它们投入到执行海事封锁及实施治安行动之类的任务中去。乌龙山的猫猫好可爱!

Using maximum flooding surface and local explosure erosion surface as the correlation framework surface in the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycles, sand-body in the 3-th hierarchical base-level cycles formed in the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycles may be correlated layer by layer. The law of the sand-body and the characters of reservoir heterogeneity formed in the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycles are discussed. The study shows:①During early period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycle rising, subaqueous distributary channel formed, continuously stacked vertically, and migrated in limit range laterally, and channel sand-body stretches farther longitudinally, and lacks interbeds of mud rock and siltsand in sand rock, reservoir heterogeneity is relatively weak.②During mid-period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycle rising, subsaqueous distributary channel migrated actively, channel divided and converged strongly to form netted sand-body and sand sheet mainly, but interbeds of mud rock and siltsand increases gradually in sand-body, reservoir heterogeneity increased.③During later period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level rising and early period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level falling, reservoir sand-body was poor, and only form thin sand-body of subsaqueous distributary channel, subsaqeuous creveas and distal mouth bar, sand-bodys are surrounded by mud and silt rock.


However, the spatial variability of diversity of annual and biennial herbaceous plants, shrubs, intermediate xerophytes and xerophytes is low.

沙质草场群落中一、二年生草本、灌木、中旱生植物和旱生植物功能群多样性空间变异性较弱,由随机因素引起的异质性所占的比重较大,且主要表现在5 m以下的尺度范围内。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
