英语人>网络例句>中华人民共和国 相关的搜索结果


与 中华人民共和国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The amended 1997 PRC Criminal Law has initially criminated insider dealing and leakage of inside information, and the 1999 Amendment of PRC Criminal Law broadened the scope of this offence, by extending insider dealing and leakage of inside information to both securities and futures markets. This indicates that the regulation on insider dealing and leakage of inside information has moved from administrative level to criminal level and the relevant punishment has been greatly strengthened.


The laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People's Republic of China.


"Operating Costs" means the aggregate of all costs and expenses of maintaining, operating and supervising the Facility which are not properly capitalized but instead are normally charged as a current expense including without limitation: the cost of food and beverage inventories, supplies, and equipment; employment costs including but not limited to wages, salaries, employee fringe benefits, payroll taxes, bonuses, vacation pay, sick leave, profit-sharing, tax deferred compensation, retirement plans and/or pension fund contributions, costs of mobilizing and demobilizing employees, visa costs, housing allowances, automobile allowances, end of service benefits and all other employment costs arising under THE PRC law; advertising and promotional expenses incurred directly by the Facility, administrative and general expenses of the Facility, all reimbursable expenses due Troon, all insurance premiums for all insurance obtained pursuant to this Agreement (other than property insurance premiums), utility and energy costs, grounds and landscaping maintenance costs; Water Costs, routine maintenance and repair costs, operating licenses, fees and permits, credit card and travel agent commissions, and the Monthly Fee, the Base Fee, and the Cooperative Sales and Marketing Fee.


Nothing in this Conditions of Entry excludes or derogates from terms implied by law of People's Republic of China.


However, it was desecrated by foreign invaders long before the foundation of People's Republic of China.


Article 19 Whoever desecrates the National Flag of the People's Republic of China by publicly and wilfully burning, mutilating, scrawling on, defiling or trampling upon it shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to law


Article 19 Whoever desecrates the National Flag of the PRC by publicly and wilfully burning, mutilating, scrawling on, defiling or trampling upon it shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to law


Article 13 Whoever desecrates the National Emblem of the People's Republic of China by publicly and wilfully burning, mutilating, scrawling on, defiling, or trampling upon it shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law; if the circumstances are relatively minor, the offender shall, with reference to the provisions of the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, be punished by the public security organ with a detention of not more than fifteen days.


Decision Regarding the Punishment of the Crimes of Desecrating the National Flag and the National Emblem of the People's Republic of China

关于惩治侮辱中华人民共和国国旗国徽罪的决定 8。??

People's Republic of China detonates its first nuclear weapon.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
