英语人>网络例句>个人主义的 相关的搜索结果


与 个人主义的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Western painting, in nature, is a medium that speaks out the truth. It has evolved from the religious truth (Greece, Rome and the Renaissance), nationalist truth to the individual truth (impressionism and abstractionism). The traditional Chinese collectivism, when encountering with the spoken-out truth, breaks the oil painting away from the truth-pursuing quality or the free spirit inherent in the Western tradition and modern art by regarding the oil paintings as a mere class of fine arts or a medium.


Such using the way of autodyne to show high confidence and satisfaction for oneself indicates the place we stay now is 'Narcissism' time.


His times was the middle and late period ofromanticism, and in that times, classicalism music spirit had faded out of people's lives,the extremeness individualism tendency has come forth in the tide of musicdevelopment.


Aquarius - the symbols of water and the air waves, as it is a abstract, from the myth of Aquarius, we can see that the freedom-loving Aquarius and individualism.


The contents of Chinese liberalism in the period of May 4th Movement is of great diversity, the core of which is the individualism as a style of Ibsenism. To achieve the ultimate purpose, Chinese liberalists in wusi period carry out a thorough anti-traditionalism; they criticize feudalism patriachal clan system thoughts; they pay close attention to women liberation.


This study argues that classic anarchist thinkers, such William Godwin, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Michael Bakunin, and Peter Kropotkin, share common assumptions about the possibility of a free society, Exploring the works of the four anarchist thinkers, this study distinguishes four main currents in anarchist thought: individualism, mutualism, collectivism and communism.

本文论称,古典无政府主义者,例如葛德文(William Godwin, 1756~1836)、普鲁东(Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, 1809~1865)、巴枯宁(Michael Bakunin, 1814~1876)和克鲁泡特金(Peter Kropotkin, 1842~1921)四人,在创建一个可能的自由社会的论述上,共持相同承担。然而,这四人的思想,分别代表著四种不同的流派:个人主义、互助主义、集产主义和共产主义;斯四子对此承担,自有异同的论述。

The new human nature is emerging: Peoples competition consciousness, equal democratic consciousness, reform and innovate consciousness are becoming more and more obvious. Such some bad social ideological trends as mammonism, individualism, utilitarianism, etc. have appeared and have caused the society out of order.


In the need of mathematization in economics and logic deduction, catering to the tide of egoism and utilitarianism in western society, the mainstream abandoned moral and ethic factors. Then the economic man became completely rational self-interest or utility maximizing, veering from the original principles of economic man.


But the American culture advocates the self-struggle and the individualism, they to the surface and the rituality thing looked palely, to substantive question regarding as important, without a doubt, in the language exchange, they likes the frank match .


To this end, the thesis, built upon the theory of Hofstede's cultural dimensions of individualism verse collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, and power distance as well as Rahim's five conflict resolution styles, takes Sino-American schools as the study setting, highlights cultural influences on the varying conflict resolution styles commonly used by the Americans and the Chinese, and provides a comparison of the different conflict resolution styles found in these two cultures.

为达到该目的,本论文以G 。 Hofstede的集体主义和个人主义,不确定性规避和权力距离以及M。 A.Rahim的五种冲突解决风格为理论框架,以中美合作学校为研究背景,聚焦讨论了文化价值观对中国人和美国人常用的冲突解决风格的影响,并且对这两种文化的冲解决突风格进行了对比研究。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
