英语人>网络例句>两属的 相关的搜索结果


与 两属的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Are two varieties of species B.oleracea. Cauliflower bobcal gene loses its original function due to its terminated mutation while cabbage BoCAL gene has its complete function.


The patient was a 66-year-old male who presented with paraparesis. On examination, strength was 5/5 in both upper extremities and 3-4/5 in both lower extremities. Pricking sensation was relatively retarded below the sixth thoracic vertebra on both sides. Fine-touch sensation was limited below the ninth thoracic vertebra on the right side and below the eleventh thoracic vertebra on the left side. Responses to vibration and joint position sense were well preserved. Deep tendon reflexes were increased in his legs. He had voluntary anal contraction and preserved anal and bulbocavernous reflexes. MRI revealed dissection of the descending aorta from T4 to T10 levels with thrombus present in the false lumen, and the thoracic cord was marked atrophy, especially from T6 to T8 levels. To the best of our knowledge, no such case had been reported so far.


Historically, plants of this affinity with stamen number equal to sepal number were Ludwigia , and those with stamens twice as many as sepals were Jussiaea , but Raven and others demonstrated reticulate variation in this character, and treated the two groups as a single genus.

历史上,常具有与萼片数相同的雄蕊数的植株为 Ludwigia的,而雄蕊数为萼片的2倍的是Jussiaea的,但 Raven和其它人证明这一特征成网状式的变异,并且把这两个类群归入同一属内。

The granitic enclaves in the central-facies porphyroblastic lava are subvolcanic rocks with forming age of 134.2±1.9Ma. There is another intrusion of subvolcanic rhyodacitic porphyry with age of 136.0±2.6Ma, in the contact zone of the two volcanic cycles in the western part of the Xiangshan complex. The U-Pb ages of the sub-quartz-monzonite porphyry and lamprophyre are 129.5±2.0Ma and 125.1±3.1Ma, respectively. This suggests that the extension in the Xiangshan region, began in K〓, was week, and earlier than that in the coastal region of Zhejiang and Fujian provinces. Extension in K〓 in Xiangshan and neighboring regions was much stronger, forming NE striking large red-downfaulted-basins.


Based on above studies, some main conclusions were obtained as follows : 1 the diatoms forming mats in low latitude west pacific is"shade flora"diatom Ethmodiscus rex Hendey; 2 the sites found diatom mats are zone distributed, the direction is NW-SE and most distribute in the deep water area with flat seafloor, between 17°N~20°N and the water depth 4837-6150 m below Carbonate Compensation Depth (CCD 3) AMS 14C dates show that the sediments rich in diatom mats occurred during 16.0 ~ 28.6 ka B.P., which means the bloom mainly occurred in last glacial maximum, while there are not diatom mats deposits in other layers; 4 A total of 101 diatom taxa belonging to 40 genera had been identified from the 155 samples in the two cores WPD 03 and WPD 12, and the relative percentage of Thalassionema frauenfeldii are the highest, Thalassionema nitzschioides、Azpeitia nodulifera、Hemidiscus cuneiformis、Nitzschia marina take the second place.

14C年期间,即&勃发&发生于末次冰期最盛期;4在WPD 03和WPD 12两个岩芯共155个样品中共鉴定硅藻40属101种,且Thalassionema frauenfeldii的相对百分含量最高,Thalassionema nitzschioides、Azpeitia nodulifera、Nitzschia marina、Hemidiscus cuneiformis等次之,这五种硅藻占整个硅藻物种相对百分含量的85%左右,说明在该海域表层水体硅藻席沉积过程中,这五种硅藻最容易与成席硅藻在同时期的环境中生存,形成勃发;5MIS3期的晚期,该区域表层海水盐度降低,这有助于该区水体的成层化,从而使&树荫种&硅藻开始勃发,导致&秋季倾泻&;6末次冰期由于南极中层水北扩,南大洋中层水将富含硅酸盐的海水带入了研究区,即南大洋的&硅溢漏&作用,使该区域硅藻得以勃发,同时,铁输入的增多,可能也是造成硅藻勃发的主要原因之一。

A variety of factors influence the dynamic changing process in which family caregivers try to shape a suitable caregiving life space for people with dementia. On the one hand, family caregivers need to respond to the elderlys' changing conditions whether from their ageing or from their cognitive and noncognitive symptoms.


Brazilian shrub having twice-pinnate leaves and small spicate flowers followed by flat or irregularly torulose pods; sometimes placed in genus Piptadenia.


Based on morphologic and biomass measurement comparisons of morphology and resource allocation of Plantago major and P. depressacollected in the same environment have been made. The results show that quantitative relationships and resources allocations between different modules are proper in different species, they can reflect unprejudicedly ecological characteristics of individuals.

本文通过对取自同一生境条件下的两种车前属植物,即大车前和平车前(P 。depressa)不同构件间的形态学特征和生物量相关关系的比较分析,发现构件间的数量关系和各构件在资源配置上具有种间特异性,各构件生物量间的数量关系及各构件在资源配置上的数量关系,更能真实地反映出物种个体的生态学特征。

Because thedetecting of the metal object is important in both military and civil applications, wefocused on the aim and do lots of measurement of the radiometric characteristic ofseveral objects correlating to the metal detecting and got the datum. We also completedthe inversion algorithm of retrieving the brightness temperature from the measureddatum.2 The radiometer is the apparatus of incepting the MMW radialization and is the key partof all passive MMW detecting and imaging system. Our emphasis of radiometerresearch was on a kind of AC radiometer, we discussed its principium, composing andthe recovery of its distorted output signal. Finally we gave out the design of the ACradiometer.3 The focal plane system is the main passive MMW detecting and imaging system atpresent.


B From the theory of paradigmatic and syntagmatic, we can find that the signs of the postmarks are often fragmentary and singular, but through the system and composition of the signs, we can still generalize a semiotic system of the postmarks as follows: the sign usage can be universally interpreted, though it is seemingly arbitrary.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
