英语人>网络例句>两属的 相关的搜索结果


与 两属的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since polar organic crystals have noncentric structures, the existence of polar axis in the crystals has a significant effect on the molecular arrangement and on the crystal growth.


It must in any case be borne in mind that that features shared by any two branches of Germanic do not require the postulation of a


In chapter 1, the paper overviewed the feature of Chaozhou guzheng, introducing other representatives of Chaozhou guzheng. In chapter 2, the paper studies Chaozhou guzheng melody formulated by Mr Xu, summing up its spectrum surface characteristics. In chapter 3, combined with the author's personal experience of learning with Mr Xu, in three different spectral mode of Chaozhou guzheng set by Mr Xu, From Playing by the right hand and composing by the left hand, specifying the actual performance characteristics.


Especially,the subbranch of enterobacteriaceace made again four small branches as genus taxon.This tree also shows that bacilliform bacterium is distinct from each other in the NJ and MP trees.After all species on the tree are merged,the topological configuration of the unrooted tree of 16S gene is closed to that of the host range unrooted tree.However,the position of bacillus is greatly changed on both the unrooted trees.

将16S DNA的NJ树隐去所有的种,以属为单位所得到的以分枝形式的无根树在拓扑结构上与菌群分布含量所构建的无根树相近,但芽孢杆菌在两种无根树的位置中有较大的差异。

The analysis methods for the determination of micro or trace elements in high moisture jellyfish were developed. The fatty acid compositions in difderent parts of fresh jellyfish were determined by GC/MS method. Thirty-five fatty acids were identified, and most of them were found in R. esculentum jellyfish for the first time. Especially, two unusual very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that were never detected in the other jellyfish also were determined. Amino acids were abundant in R. esculentum jellyfish, especially containing sulfur amino acids, and could be supplied for human diet. The polysaccharide in umbrella part of jellyfish was composed of glucose, galactose and uronic acid, and its molecular weight was 40,000, but the polysaccharide of the oral arms part consisted of glucose, mannose and glycuronic acid, and its molecular weight was 43,000. Above-mentioned data were never reported. The ethanolic extract of oral arms part of jellyfish were extracted by different polar solvents (petroleum ether, acetic ether, n-butanol), and antibacterial activity was tested to these extracts by four species of terricolous pathogenic bacilli and three species of botanic pathogenic fungi. The result demonstrated that the petroleum ether extract had certain bactericidal activity for two species of pathogenic bacilli, and n-butanol extract had certain inhibited activity on apple rot pathogenic fungus.

建立了 高含水量的海蜇产品中微量、痕量元素成分测定的分析方法;采用 GC/MS 方法测定了新鲜海蜇不同部位的脂肪酸组成,共鉴定出 35 种脂肪酸,其中大多数脂肪酸是首次在海蜇中被检测到,尤其是两种不常见的 C24:5 超长链多不饱和脂肪酸的分析和鉴定在其它水母种属中也从未见报道;海蜇三个部位中氨基酸成分齐全,含量丰富,含硫氨基酸含量较高,可与其它食物蛋白质的氨基酸互补;其中海蜇皮多糖是由葡萄糖、半乳糖和糖醛酸组成,分子量为 40,000,海蜇头多糖是由葡萄糖、甘露糖和糖醛酸组成,分子量为 43,000,以上工作均未见报道;利用石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇三种不同极性溶剂分别萃取海蜇头乙醇浸提物,用纸碟法和生长速率法分别对四株陆源病原菌和三株植物病原真菌进行了抑菌实验,结果表明海蜇头石油醚提取物和正丁醇提取物具有一定的抑菌活性。

The analysis methods for the determination of microor trace elements in high moisture jellyfish were developed. The fatty acid compositions indifderent parts of fresh jellyfish were determined by GC/MS method. Thirty-five fatty acids wereidentified, and most of them were found in R. esculentum jellyfish for the first time. Especially,two unusual very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that were never detected in the otherjellyfish also were determined. Amino acids were abundant in R. esculentum jellyfish, especiallycontaining sulfur amino acids, and could be supplied for human diet. The polysaccharide inumbrella part of jellyfish was composed of glucose, galactose and uronic acid, and its molecularweight was 40,000, but the polysaccharide of the oral arms part consisted of glucose, mannose andglycuronic acid, and its molecular weight was 43,000. Above-mentioned data were never reported.The ethanolic extract of oral arms part of jellyfish were extracted by different polar solvents(petroleum ether, acetic ether, n-butanol), and antibacterial activity was tested to these extracts byfour species of terricolous pathogenic bacilli and three species of botanic pathogenic fungi. Theresult demonstrated that the petroleum ether extract had certain bactericidal activity for twospecies of pathogenic bacilli, and n-butanol extract had certain inhibited activity on apple rotpathogenic fungus.

建立了高含水量的海蜇产品中微量、痕量元素成分测定的分析方法;采用 GC/MS 方法测定了新鲜海蜇不同部位的脂肪酸组成,共鉴定出 35 种脂肪酸,其中大多数脂肪酸是首次在海蜇中被检测到,尤其是两种不常见的 C24:5 超长链多不饱和脂肪酸的分析和鉴定在其它水母种属中也从未见报道;海蜇三个部位中氨基酸成分齐全,含量丰富,含硫氨基酸含量较高,可与其它食物蛋白质的氨基酸互补;其中海蜇皮多糖是由葡萄糖、半乳糖和糖醛酸组成,分子量为 40,000,海蜇头多糖是由葡萄糖、甘露糖和糖醛酸组成,分子量为 43,000,以上工作均未见报道;利用石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇三种不同极性溶剂分别萃取海蜇头乙醇浸提物,用纸碟法和生长速率法分别对四株陆源病原菌和三株植物病原真菌进行了抑菌实验,结果表明海蜇头石油醚提取物和正丁醇提取物具有一定的抑菌活性。

The iconic film was essentially a trashy tale set in a mysterious castle with kinky extraterrestrial Transylvanian transvestites, two stranded young people (including an underwear-clad Susan Sarandon), and a mad scientist.

这部标志性的电影故事情节本质上了无新意,故事设计在一座神秘的古堡,里面有古怪的特兰西瓦尼亚外星易装癖者,两名穷途末路的年轻人(包括一名着镀金属内衣裤的苏珊沙伦唐Susan Sarandon和一名疯狂的科学家)。

ABSTRACT: Random amplified polymorphic DNA was used in analysing the relationship among twenty-six speices of Amanita from Mangshan, Hunan. Of 40 primers, 6 ones generated reproducible RAPD profiles, and each one produced 1-10 bands. Two primers (OPG15 and OPH04) could differentiate 26 species of Amanita by its RAPD profiles. The similarity coefficients obtained from profiles generated by six primers among Amanita were about 20-60%. A dendrogram was constructed using average linkage clustering for clustering analysis. It indicated that there were two groups in 26 species and some species with ring and membranous volva clustered a group which coincided with morphological classification.


"But I can talk," said the Portuguese duck;"and I'll do something for the little fellow; it's my duty;" and she stepped into the water-trough, and beat her wings upon the water so strongly that the bird was nearly drowned by a shower-bath; but the duck meant it kindly.


The tallest and most dramatic among such grand-scale construction projects, however, is none other than La Grande Arche. This Paris landmark constructed in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution, is 110 meters high and 106 meters wide on each of its four sides, its wall coveringconsisting of 28,000 huge mirror-like glass panels, and occupying area of an entire hectare. The space within it's four archways is enough to accommodate the entire Church of the Magdalene, inclusive of its gothic-style spires!


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
