英语人>网络例句>两属的 相关的搜索结果


与 两属的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The investigation indicated that the diffusion and release behavior of the guest molecules in the self-assembled organogel followed the Higuchi equation and diffusion-controlled mechanism of Fickian model.


The Reformati ate cooked food only twice in the week, scourged themselves frequently, and recited daily, in addition to the universally prescribed choir-service, the Office of the Dead, the Office of the Blessed Virgin, the Seven Penitential Psalms, etc., which far exceeded the Rule of St.

该reformati吃煮熟的食物,只有两次是在本周, scourged自己频繁,每天背诵中,除了普遍明合唱团服务,办事处的死亡,该办事处的有福了美属维尔京, 7 penitential诗篇等,这远远超出了法治的圣弗朗西斯,并不能维持长久。

Although tau deposits are found in neurofibrillary plaques and tangles in Alzheimer's disease but not in late-onset PD, tau mutations on chromosome 17 are linked to frontotemporal dementia with PD (FTPD-17) and to progressive supranuclear palsy, which are both neurodegenerative movement disorders like PD.


Taxus chinensis Rehd and Taxus yunnansis(Taxaceae nom. conserv) arenative to China. Up to now, the chemical investigation of Taxus chinensis is only lim-ited to flavonoids. There is without any report published about the chemical investi-gation of Taxus yunnansis.

本工作研究了二种红豆杉属植物的化学成份,这两个种是采自甘肃小陇山区的中国红豆杉Taxus chinensis(PilgerRehd和采自云南大理苍山的云南红豆杉,它们均系中国的特有种。

The last, the opinion of Lord of Chunshen, there are two different versions: one sings high praise him, the other demotes him too low in some modern opinion. So the paper tries to judge him in the Warring States Period, extruding the activity of the person in troubled times, comparing him with Lord of Mengchang, Lord of Pingyuan and Lord of Xinling, undoubtly, he should be among the other Lords.


There are two focuses in Chapter Two. The first one is to investigate the recent developments of cosmopolitanism to see what they inherit from and how they may reverse this tradition. My point is that both normative and ethical cosmopolitan thinkers share an ethical turn and persist on multiple attachments and commitments beyond national borers.


History indi cates that to answer this question correctly,one has to seek and synthesize all the characteristics of laws,adhere to the unities of"what should be" and "what is",and of essence and form,and also take account of the principal and subordinate relations in society.


History indi cates that to answer this question correctly,one has to seek and synthesize all the characteristics of law s,adhere to the unities of"what should be" and "what is",and of essence and form,and also take account of the principal and subordinate relations in society.


Generally identification of plant species consists of two steps. At first family, genus and species of the specimen are made certain by looking up the tool book whose title is Claves Plantarum Xinjiangensis.


Since the middle of the 19th century, only two ex cathedra pronouncements have been made in the Roman Catholic church: the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854 by Pope Pius IX, and the definition of the Assumption of the Virgin in 1950 by Pope Pius XII.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
