英语人>网络例句>两属的 相关的搜索结果


与 两属的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper presents new data of electronic microprobe analvses on clinopyroxenes from the layers of picrite and associated basalt in this area. It is shown that the clinopyroxenes from the picrite are exclusively diopside, whereas those from the basalt are diopside and augite, suggesting a continuous variation in composition.


I should be living in such perfect sympathy with God's Son that in every circumstance the spirit of my mind is renewed.


The conjunctional and transitional relation between the West Qinling and East Kunlun orogenic belts, both of which belong to the Central Orogenic System, has long been a focus of dispute in the study of the Central Orogenic System of China.


The author also brings his proposal about how to perfect the legislation of common bribery. He suggests: Firstly, in the general principles of criminal law, it should be prescribed definitely no matter the person who has identity or not committing a crime together which is constituted for their identity, the action belongs to common crime. Secondly, in separate principles of criminal law, the spirit of rule about the common bribery crime in "The conversazione summary of country court cognizance economy crime cases" put out by the supreme court of people in 2003 as well as "The notions of some questions about the suitable laws of transacting the bribery case in the supreme court of people and the supreme procurator of people" in 2007 should be put in the separate principles.


Erythropoietin "hyporesponders", whose mean ERI of 31.46?IU/kg per week per gram hemoglobin placed them in the lowest decile, had a relative risk for cardiovascular death of 1.7 and an overall relative mortality risk of 1.6, compared with patients who were not receiving EPO ( P ?.001 for both measures). The hyporesponders also had significantly lower body mass indexes and serum albumin levels and higher C-reactive protein levels than patients not taking EPO ( P ?.001 for all).

红血球生成素低反应者的每周每克血色素平均ERI值为31.46 IU/kg,属於最低的百分之十,相较於未接受EPO者,心血管死亡率相对风险则是1.7,整体死亡率风险为1.6 (两项指标之P.001);相较於未接受EPO者,低反应者的身体质量指数和血清白蛋白质也明显偏低,而C反应蛋白质的数值则比较高(全部的P.001)。

The diagnostic features for the species include deep excavation on the posteroventral margin of the premaxilla, a diastema between the premaxillary and maxillary teeth, a a number of many pits and ridges on the anterolateral surface of the antorbital fossa, the posterolateral process of the parietal being long and sharply posteriorly directed, the column ar -like margin of the pterygoid process of the quadrate, the bifurcated posterior margin of the dentary, a distinctive groove posterior to the anterior carina on the medial surface of the premaxillary tooth crowns, absence of ventrolateral processes on intercentrum of t he atlas, T-shaped centrum of the first caudal in ventral view, transverse process on anterior caudals with rounded , and strongly anteroposteriorly expanded distal end, presence of two fossae separated by an oblique ridge on the lateral side of the anterior chevrons near the articular end, and pubis strongly curved psoteriorly.

这一属种的主要鉴定特征包括:前上颌骨后腹缘有一深凹、前上颌齿和上颌齿之间有一齿缺、眶前窝外表面前部有许多坑窝和脊、顶骨侧后突伸向后方、方骨的翼骨支边缘柱状、靠近前上颌齿齿冠舌面前缘有槽、环椎间椎体外腹突缺失、第一尾椎椎体腹视 T 形、前部尾椎横突远端前后向强烈扩展呈圆形、前部脉弧近端外侧面有两个被一斜脊分离的窝以及耻骨强烈向后弯曲。通过分析千禧中国鸟龙的96个骨骼学特征,发现其中21个特征支持奔龙类与鸟类的亲缘关系最近,9个特征支持奔龙类与伤齿龙类亲缘关系最近,25个特征支持奔龙类、伤齿龙类和鸟类亲缘关系较为接近。

We can observation external morphological character and decide genetical relationship of different Hericium.


AlN MSM devices were fabricated on AlN epitaxial thin film deposited on GaN/Sapphire substrates using helicon sputtering system at the low temperature of 300°C. The device characteristic was found to be improved by in situ metallization of Al electrodes. The extremely low dark current (1.39pA at 20V), the ideal factor (1.0125) and the Schottky barrier height (0.916eV) are superior compared to those of AlN MSM in the literature. When the device was illuminated by the 150W D2 lamp, the ratio of the induced photocurrent to dark current is more than 2 orders of magnitude. The illumination effect also shows the linear relationship between the radiation power and the photo current for the MSM devices, indicating the potential applicability for deep UV sensors.

氮化铝金属-半导体-金属光侦测器则是用In situ metallization制程,利用低温回旋溅镀法在氮化镓/蓝宝石基板上沉积之氮化铝,再直接溅镀金属铝作为指叉电极,比较目前文献制作出来的氮化铝MSM元件,可得到很好的元件金半接面之理想因子1.0125,算出萧特基能障高度为0.916eV,并有很低的暗电流为1.39 pA,提升了元件的特性,使用150 W氘灯入射,光暗电流差距可到两个order,且元件之光电流与入射光功率呈线性,显示所制作之氮化铝MSM元件,很适合针对深紫外光波段侦测。

China and Korea are neighbours bordered in Yellow sea, both located in Asia economic zone. The economic cooperation and labour exchange are booming. The total trade up to 5800 billon $ in 2003, including 3570 billion $ import from Korea to China. China became the largest export market of Korea; 88% the surplus of trade of Korea owing to China; both China and Korea belongs to eastern cultural background which is similar. There are many things can be learn each other, in spite of different languages.


On a Lord's day approximately two to three weeks later, Francis Ball got even more bold to announce that only the Lord's table meeting is a meeting of the church, all other meetings are ministry meetings.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
