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与 两属的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A study on the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of two species of Artemisia.

标题 两种蒿属植物的染色体数目和核型研究。

Minke whales are baleen whales Branch under The largest sub-section, contains a total of nine two minke whales.


Timber have bester turn into getting mauve gradually, belong to for red sandalwood, but sour branch and red sandalwood two kinds of different hardwood, sour piece valuable timber, through is it can is it level like ancient bronze mirror to reach to polish, comfort detailed to slip coolly, the wooden line is beautiful , difficult to be moribund , durable in use.


Britain occupied the colony of origin of the Netherlands, the Netherlands many white Americans began to Orange Free State and Transvaal immigrants, but Britain in 1900 after the Boer War to annex the two regions.


The border of Ehuling group and Daguding group was renewed.it concluded that volcano rocks of former subcycle and latter subcycle volcanic activities all came from the same source of magma,according to their chemical compositions and their chondrite normalized REE patterns.


Brevicaulis was lower than that of A japonica, A. mamillata and A. crispa, when they were inoculated in the same rooting medium. The effect of NAA on shoot rooting of Ardisia was limited. The influence of NAA (0.5 mg/L) on sterile shoot rooting of A japonica, A. crispa and A. brevicaulis was poor when in comparison with IAA (0.5 mg/L) and IBA (0.3 mg/L or 0.5 mg/L), but it had no significant difference between NAA and other auxins on shoot rooting of A.

相同的根诱导培养基中,血党生根情况比虎舌红、紫金牛和百两金差;而生长素当中NAA对于诱导紫金牛属植物生根的效果不是很好,0.5 mg/L的NAA对诱导紫金牛、百两金和血党无菌苗生根的效应不如0.5 mg/L的IAA,0.3 mg/L和0.5 mg/L的IBA,对诱导虎舌红生根的效应则差别不大。

By comparing with known compound A2'P 5'A,it was shown that two ribose rings of a and b adopt predominantly S conformation at 18℃, but with elevation of temperature, the N conformation of some ribose ring increaed: the torsional angles e' and β of the phosphate backbone were estimated to have a change of +2° and ±12°respectively; two ribose rings of both A2'P(CH3)5'A and were partially overlapped and the degree of overlapping of was smaller than that of the : with increasing of temperature, the adenine moiety of A2'P(CH3)5'A showed a stronger tendency to unstack than A2'P(CH3)5'A .


In order to study the intake air flow characteristics in four-valve diesel engines, in this dissertation hot-wire anemometer and PIV twodimension instantaneous measuring technique are used. Extensive experimental study on two intake valve exit flow fields and longitudinal section flow field in cylinder are performed for different type of diesel engines. Great researching progress have been made on the interaction between two intake ports, and the formation process of in-cylinder swirl and flow field structure of cross and longitudinal section for four valve diesel engines. These results are presented in China for the first time and without such kind of research work reported abroad as detailed and deepgoing as this dissertation. The author designs and makes a set of hot wire measuring velocity device to measure the velocity distribution around the intake valve annulus and the cross section flow field in cylinder.


The results of POPGENE analyze indicated that it was moderate level of the genetic diversity of Dipelta, mean PPB (percentage of polymorphic bands) h and I of 4 species of Dipelta as below: D.wenxianensis.(PPB=62.02%,h=0.1850,I=0.2826); D.yunnanensis (PPB=40.31%, h=0.1238, I=0.1874); D. floribunda (PPB=36.82%, h=0.1395,I=0.2045); D. elegans (PPB=15.51%, h=0.0583,I=0.0861). Genetic diversity in D.elegans is the lowest. It is possibly caused by the endemic distribution and local ecotope.


In order to draw a photorealistic surface, Bidirectional Texture Functions, a 6D texture function which extends Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function to include the self-shadowing, self-occlusion and inter-reflection effects, has been mentioned frequently in recent years. Its main drawback is its massive data size. To solve this, Spatial Bidirectional Reflectance Function techniques compress BTFs into reflectance model parameters. However, SBRDF cannot producethe self-shadowing and self-occlusion effects in real-world surface geometry. This work is aimed to this drawback. I find how self-shadowing and self-occlusion affect the surface by additional physical-based analysis. And I rely on two physical phenomena to divide self-shadowing and self-occlusion into two independent effects. First, self-shadowing is view independent. Second, self-occlusion is independent of lighting direction changes. After these analyses, I use SBRDF and additional self-shadowing and self-occlusion I found to render a photorealistic surface as non-compressed BTFs doing.

为了把物体表面呈现的更真实,六维函数BTFs ( Bidirectional Texture Functions)目前已经被使用的相当频繁,但BTFs的资料量实在太大而没办法直接使用,为了解决资料庞大的问题,传统的SBRDF以逼近光反射模型参数,来达到资料压缩的效果,但是SBRDF对於表面的凹凸所产生的阴影及遮蔽,不能达到逼真的呈现,为了改善这个问题,我们选择从物理方面,找出资料中阴影和遮蔽等属於表面几何的资料并去除,使参数更正确,同时利用两个物理现象去区分阴影及遮蔽为两个互不干涉资料,第一是阴影不会因视角不同而改变,第二是遮蔽不因光线方向不同而改变,经过这些分析,我可以利用SBRDF加上附加的阴影及遮蔽两种独立的效应,来达到彷佛跟未压缩过的BTFs一样的真实绘图。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
