英语人>网络例句>两属的 相关的搜索结果


与 两属的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He life space of family caregivers turns out to be in covariation with that of people with dementia. In order to take control of caregiving and living requirements, most family caregiviers would modify the life space of the elderly carereceiver. In this modification process the caregiver's own life space also undergoes changes to different extents.


It is indicated that the 13 species of the genus Lycoris were divided into two groups, and five species of the genus including L.rosea ﹑ L.haywardii、L.straminea、L.sprengeri and L.radiata with monotype karyotypes (1-shaped) were clustered together respectively. The basic chromosome number was x=11. The others which have two-types karyotypes (I-shaped and V-shaped ) were clustered together respectively. They were L.houdyshe lii, L.albiflora, L.chinensis,L.longituba,L.anhuiensis,L.squmigera,L.caldwellii and L.aurea . The closest relationship was between L.rosea and L.haywardii.

结果表明:石蒜属13个种明显聚为两大类,即具有单型核型结构、染色体基数为x=11的5个物种:玫瑰石蒜 L.rosea 、红蓝石蒜 L.haywardii 、稻草石蒜 L.straminea 、换锦花 L.sprengeri 和石蒜 L.radiata 聚为一类;具有两型核型结构8个物种即江苏石蒜 L.houdyshelii 、乳白石蒜 L.albiflora 、中国石蒜 L.chinensis 、长筒石蒜 L.longituba 、安徽石蒜 L.anhuiensis 、夏水仙 L.squmigera 、短蕊石蒜 L.caldwellii 和忽地笑 L.aurea 聚为一类。

This invention relates to a window A/D converter used in digital supply controllers composed of a PMOS difference input pair, a CTAT offset current generation circuit, two loop oscillators and a digital part including two n-bit counters, one n-bit comparator, one n-bit subtracter and an n-bit D trigger, in which.


According to the study result of species selection,12 species of Eucaly-ptus and Acacia were introduced in 1993 in Yuanmou of Yunnan Province Through observing and analysing for more than 2 years and comparing the adaptability and rapidly-growing ability with Leucaena lecocephala introduced successfully before the authors found that Eucalyptus camaldulensis,A auriculiformis ,A caciamangium were the optimal afforestation species in dry-hot river valley of Yuamou This had certain significance to guide...


For the above purposes, using a tailored cyanometalate precursor,(1) Tp=hydrotris (pyrazolyl borate; Bu〓N〓=tetrabutylammonium cation , two trinulear complexes,〓(2),〓(3; cyclam: 1, 4, 8, 11-tetraazacyclotetradecane), two one-dimensional polymers,〓(4; dien: diethylenetriamine),〓(5), and a cluster 〓(6) have been synthesized and characterized structurally and magnetically.


Each of two or more identical specific or subspecific names established for different nominal taxa and originally combined with different generic names but subsequently combined with the same generic name Art.


The Bonobo, sometimes called the Pygmy Chimpanzee , is one of the two species comprising the genus Pan ; both members are chimpanzees, though the term is frequently used to refer only to Pan troglodytes , the Common Chimpanzee .

Bonobo又被称为侏儒黑猩猩,是属于 pan 属中的两各种类之一,因为两种都是属于黑猩猩,所以通常把 Pan troglodytes 称为普通黑猩猩。

Any of various coniferous evergreen trees of the genus Tsuga of North America and eastern Asia, having small cones and short, flat leaves with two white bands underneath.


Hemlock: Any of various coniferous evergreen trees of the genus Tsuga of North America and eastern Asia, having small cones and short, flat leaves with two white bands underneath.


The prawn lysozymes are presumed to be the non-calcium binding family of chicken-type lysozyme because they have two conserved catalytic sites Glu~(51) and Asp~(68),as well as eight structural Cys residues,which are highly conserved among the species of chicken-type lysozymes but lack of three Asp residues at the site 101,106 and 107,which are conserved sites in calcium-binding chicken-type lysozyme.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
