英语人>网络例句>丝状 相关的搜索结果


与 丝状 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that the sludge settled properly at a influent BOD/P of 100/0.8. When the BOD/P was 100/0.6 and 100/0.3 respectively, an excessive growth of viscous Zoogloea with high moisture content was observed and non-filamentous bullring occurred. When the value of influent BOD/P was 100/0.4, more serious non-filamentous bulking occurred. Furthermore, under the condition of phosphorus deficiency the effect of microorganism on the nitrogen and phosphorus sources utilization rate were also studied in the experiments.


Results: MC of tryptase immunoreactivity contain abundant F-actin ring that region of cytomembrane endothecium form a barrier of blocking tryptase liberation. Copious tryptase temporarily was stored in secretory vacuole, and small amounts tryptase was released from secretory vacuole for depolymerize of F-actin ring in cell.


Results: MC of tryptase immunoreactivity MC(subscript T contain abundant F-actin ring that region of cytomembrane endothecium form a barrier of blocking tryptase liberation. Copious tryptase was temporarily stored in secretory vacuole, and small amounts of tryptase was released from secretory vacuole for depolymerize of F-actin ring in cell.


Up to now, the mechanism of singnal transduction involved in heterocyst differentiation is still unclear.

Anabaena PCC7120是一种丝状蓝细菌,在培养基中缺失化合态氮源的条件下,丝状体上分化形成异形胞执行固氮的功能。

The biochemical and physiological effects of Pb~(2+) on conchocelis of Porphyra yezoensis was lower relatively, at the beginning, the algae still grew under the condition of higher concentration-40 mg/L, mannite content and POD activity appeared a tendency to first increased and then decreased, but chlorophyll a content declined slightly, on the contrary, MDA content went up quickly.

Pb~(2+)对条斑紫菜丝状体的毒性相对较弱,在浓度40 mg/L时,处理早期(12h时)丝状体仍有生长,此浓度下藻体的甘露醇含量和POD活性均随处理时间的延长呈现先升后降的趋势,而叶绿素a含量逐渐下降,与此相反,丙二醛含量迅速上升。

Fruit obovoid, 5–6 × ca. 5 mm; dorsal and intermediate ribs filiform, closely spaced; lateral ribs broadly winged, wings ca. 1.5 mm wide, wider than width of mericarp body; vittae filiform, extending almost the length of the mericarp body, solitary in each dorsal furrow, 2 in each lateral furrow, 2–6 on commissure.

果倒卵球形, 5-6 *约5毫米丝状的背棱和中间棱,间隔紧密;侧棱具宽翅,翅约1.5毫米宽,宽于分果爿身体的宽度;油管丝状,几乎延长至分果爿身体的长度,1在每背面棱槽,2在每侧面棱槽,2-6在合生面上。

The vegetative body of the filamentous algae (e.g. Spirogyra), composed of a line of similar cells joined by their end walls.


He present paper deals with six species of Setaria: S. labiato papillosa, S. equina, S. digitals, S. marshalli, S. tangi sp. nov. and S. erschovi sp. nov., found in the peritoneal cavity of the cattle, sheep and horse in Peking, Shanghai.


Leaves adaxially with sparse arachnoid tomentum when young, then glabrescent; branchlets and inflorescence axis with sparse arachnoid tomentum.

幼时的正面的叶具具稀疏蛛丝状毛,后脱落有具稀疏蛛丝状毛的小枝和花序轴。 32 V。 bellula 美丽葡萄

Branchlets and inflorescence axes with arachnoid tomentum; leaflets abaxially with persistent rubiginous arachnoid tomentum.

有蛛丝状绒毛的小枝和花序轴;小叶背面具宿存的锈红色的蛛丝状绒毛。 37 V。 lanceolatifoliosa 鸡足葡萄

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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