英语人>网络例句>丝状 相关的搜索结果


与 丝状 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective: To study the expression of filamentous actinin cell and the influence on the secretion of different mast cell subtypes.


The antenna of Indian meal moth is filiform and consists of two basal segments, scape and pedical, and 43-45 terminal segments of the flagellum.


Fruit oblong, oblong-ovoid or ovoid, slightly flattened laterally, glabrous; mericarp subrounded in cross section; ribs filiform, prominent to obscure; vittae inconspicuous.


Chrysomonads are mainly motile unicellular algae, but there are some colonial forms and a few complex filamentous forms.


Research on filamentous fungi apoptosis also has important value in agriculture and medical care, providing new ideas for the biocontrol and therapies of human mycosis.

此外, 研究丝状真菌细胞凋亡现象在农业和医疗领域也具有重要的应用价值,可为生物防治和人类真菌病的治疗提供新的思路。

The threaded texture and Schlieren texture of nematic phase can be observed.


Theoretical calculation and experimental results illustrate that polarized light can be used to study the twist effect in thin sample of planar nematic liquid crystal.


The occipital bone is very prominent. The head is surmounted by a topknot of long silky hair.


Benthic algae bloomed from January to March in the oyster bed were not observed in the control area 500m away which had similar bottom soil composition. Polychaetes were more abundant than crustacean gastropods and other large benthic fauna the year round and showed a marked increase during the winter.

在研究过稗中首次发现底滚在牡蛎床下 9~14 公尺深之海底繁生(1月~3月),以丝状矽藻及Navicula 属占优势,但是在无牡蛎床之对照区却无底藻繁生,底栖生物以多毛类占优势,在底藻繁生时有明显增加之量,春季时有 fauna development 之现象。

The numerical simulation result indicates that the condition of which generated APSGD is that the AC voltage frequency is 9kHz when the electrodes configuration is determinate and the sinusoidal peak-to-peak applied voltage is about 9kV. When the AC voltage frequency is about 1MHz, the discharge pattern of SDBD is filament discharge. This results is very important for the development of SDBD.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
