英语人>网络例句>丝状 相关的搜索结果


与 丝状 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Meanwhile greater interests have been demonstrated in area of the peroxisome biogenesis and in its roles of pathogenicity of several phytopathogenic fungi.


It is very difficult to extract active RNA from Aspergillus niger because of the existance of complex cell wall and endo-Rnase activity.


To study and know well the rudimentary knowledge and the basic techniques of modern Microbiology are demanded for Graduate students. The experiments including the principle and operation of phase contrast microscope and fluorescence microscope; Microphotography , the technique of photographic enlargement;Applications of polymerase chain reaction ; Construction, transformation and detection of plasmid in E.coli ; Infectivity of virus and its molecular detection ; The technique of protoplast fusion in filamentary fungi ; Induction and purification of β-galactosidase from E.coli and assay the enzyme activity; Detection of GC content and DNA-DNA hybridization in bacteria ; Production , extraction and detection of poly--hyduoxy butyrate from bacteria.

以实验教学为主,要求研究生学习和掌握一些现代微生物学研究所需的基本技术,内容包括:相差显微镜、荧光显微镜的使用和显微摄影技术,PCR技术的应用,细菌质粒的构建、转化及检测技术,病毒的侵染性及其分子检测技术,丝状真菌原生质体融合技术,大肠杆菌β-半乳糖苷酶的分离及纯化及其动力学测定技术,细菌G+C mol%的测定及细菌DNA-DNA杂交技术和聚羟基丁酸产生菌的发酵、产物提取及检测技术等。

Bearing long, cobwebby, entangled hairs.

具蛛丝状毛的 Arachnoid 具有长的、蛛网似的、缠结在一起的毛。

A student using a compound light microscope to observe a cell saw a number of threadlike nuclear structures resembling those shown below.

fat 2 glucose 3 DNA 4 ATP 学生用复合光学显微镜来观察细胞看到一个类似如下结构的丝状核数。

The results showed as follow:①Chinese astringent persimmon were climacteric respiration fruit, the respiration climacteric stage occurred at speediness softening stage. Ethylene climacteric stage and respiration climacteric stage were almost occurred at one time.②The activities of EXP, PG, PE, CX all had increased, and EXP increased early with PG, PE, CX in turn in persimmon fruit during ripening and softening.③Concomitancy to fruit softening, ultrastructural changes in the mesocarp tissue were occurred at speediness softening stage, showed as disaggregation of middle layer of cell wall, appearance of fibre-like structures, disorganization of chloroplast and distortion of some mitochondria.


Any of the filaments constituting the extracellular matrix of connective tissue .


Turkish quit smoking method: 15 grams of white ginseng, Houttuynia 50 grams, 60 grams of Agastache rugosa, mint, licorice each 30 grams, ground dragon, Polygalaceae each 45 grams, water amount, to add it to the pot, and boil three times, every 20 minutes, then low heat boil, when the original liquid state, formed the thick, add white sugar 200 grams, 50 grams of oral glucose powder and continue to Aozhi into a filamentous non-stick in hand, the cease-fire, still hot into the surface a large enamel coated with edible oil trading, coolish will cut it into several small pieces of sugar, often with clothes.


A very thin crepe of silk or silklike fabric.


Simplicissimum H5 was the most powerful degrader, which degraded 40.26% kraft lignin after 13 days incubation. In the 20-day incubation period, the LiP and Lac were secreted by P.

事实上在土壤、堆肥等系统中木质纤维素的转化绝不仅仅是高等担子菌作用结果,许多丝状低等真菌的作用不容忽视[1,2 ] 。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
