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与 丝带 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus he came along, supporting himself on a curiously carved stick, his aged countenance lit up with happiness, looking for all the world like one of the aged dandies of 1796, parading the newly opened gardens of the Tuileries and Luxembourg.


In September 2005, the Committee produced a "Blue Ribbon Study," now declassified.


World Aids day's symbol is red riband, which emblematizes that caring for the patients infected by HIV, life with passion, the desire of peace and taking part in the activity of prevention from Aids.


When the vehicle approaches the Miami small town square time, he does not even dare to open the eye, entreats in the driver and the compartment person help looked whether on the old oak tree is the yellow ribbon.


At a hallowed venue where minimalist art films usually dominate,there was little surprise that the main Palme went to The White Ribbon, an austere and lacerating tale of collective brutality and guilt in a small German village two decades before Hitler took power.


At a hallowed venue where minimalist art films usually dominate,there was little surprise that the main Palme went to The White Ribbon, an austere and lacerating tale of collective brutality and guilt in a small German village two decades before Hitler took power.


At a hallowed venue where minimalist art films usually dominate,there was little surprise that the main Palme went to The White Ribbon, an austere and lacerating tale of collective brutality and guilt in a small German village two decades before Hitler took power.


At a hallowed venue where minimalist art films usually dominate,there was little surprise that the main Palme went to The White Ribbon, an austere and lacerating tale of collective brutality and guilt in a small German village two decades before Hitler took power.


At a hallowed venue where minimalist art films usually dominate,there was little surprise that the main Palme went to The White Ribbon, an austere and lacerating tale of collective brutality and guilt in a small German village two decades before Hitler took power.


Huge ox is decorated with holly and ribbons and is paraded on the streets in New Orleans.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
