英语人>网络例句>东部的 相关的搜索结果


与 东部的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By means of this structure of energy sources, the concordant development of society economy, environment and energy sources can be promoted in the east of China.


The results show that(1)the barrier and passage effects of longitudinal range-gorge break the law of zonal distribution of air temperature in Yunnan,the law of longitudinal distribution of air temperature is obvious and the spatial distribution is very zonally asymmetry;(2)under the effect .

结果表明:(1)纵向岭谷地形的"阻隔—通道"作用,使云南温度的纬向分布规律被破坏,经向分布规律比较明显,空间分布极不均匀;(2)纵向岭谷作用下云南热量地域分布差异显著,南部热量丰富,北部欠缺,西部比东部丰富,河谷地区热量最丰富,滇西北及山区热量最贫乏;(3)6、7月热量最丰沛,1月最为贫乏,春季热量好于秋季;(4)近30 a云南年平均气温有明显的上升趋势,存在明显的7 a、11 a、18 a周期振荡;(5)云南年平均气温具有大范围位相一致的变化趋势及东部冷与西部暖的变化类型。

By using of NCAR/NCEP reanalysis daily average data from 1950 to 2002 and daily rainfall of 355 stations in east China from 1957 to 2000 , whole layer vapor transportation fluxes of all globe are calculated , climatic characters of East-Asia pentadactyl vapor transportation in summer are analysed , differences of pentadactyl vapor transportation in strong vapor transportation years and short ones , and relations of vapor transportation in East-Asia and rainfall in east China.


The study of the forming condition and mechanism of immature oil in eastern Linqing depression reveals that brackish water-brine, abundant sulfur bacteria and sulfocompounds provided favorable conch-lions for the formation of the immature oil. Immature oil was the result of hydrogen-rich sapropel of lower activation energy degraded by sulfur bacteria. T and R of the early hydrocarbon generation of organic matter were 400~435℃ and 0.2%~0.5% respectively, and their values for peak hydrocarbon generaion are 420℃ and 0.35%.


The study of the forming condition and mechanism of immature oil in eastern Linqing depression reveals that brackish water\|brine, abundant sulfur bacteria and sulfocompounds provided favorable conditions for the formation of the immature oil. Immature oil was the result of hydrogen-rich sapropel of lower activation energy degraded by sulfur bacteria. Tmax and Ro of the early hydrocarbon generation of organic matter were 400~435℃ and 0.2%~0.5% respectively, and their values for peak hydrocarbon generaion are 420℃ and 0.35%.

通过对渤海湾盆地临清坳陷东部未熟-低熟油的形成条件及形成机制探讨,总结出沙一段和沙三段的微咸水-咸水介质环境、丰富硫细菌和含硫化合物为临清坳陷东部未熟-低熟油气形成提供了有利条件,证实该区未熟-低熟油气形成是低活化能的富氢腐泥组分受到硫细菌早期低温降解作用的结果,明确该区未熟-低熟烃源岩硫细菌降解的有机质早期生烃阶段的Tmax 值为400~435℃, RO值为0.2%~0.5%,生油高峰Tmax值为420℃,RO值为0.35%左右。

These pollen maps show significant vegetation changes during the past 10 000 years in the current forest regions of Northeast China, with the early Holocene characterized by the widely distributed Birch, the mid-Holocene by the development of temperate deciduous forest mainly consisting of Quercus and Ulmus, and the late Holocene by the marked increase in Pinus abun dance and the development of temperate mixed conifer and deciduous forest.


Those anomalous atmospheric circulations stimulated the strong anomalous southerlies along the east coastal regions of China, which persistently transferred the warm and wet air to the northeastern areas of China, thus raising the moisture content and air temperature there and providing proper warm and wet conditions for the occurrence of the extreme snowstorm event.


Petrologic and geochemical investigations of mafic dikes in detail were concentrated in north Gangdong from southeast China so far, a few half-backed study on mafic dikes of south Hainan and coastal belt of Fujian and southeast Hunan and ore region of some hydrothermal deposits, so systemically and large area investigations of mafic dikes from southeast China is still few and need to undertake in the future.


The issue of provincial competence of tourism industry came to my mind under the above backdrop. The study is aiming at developing and summating the present theory system of this issue as well as the practicing method. And it is also try to give suggestions on the tourism development of Shandong province by provisional study of 12 coastal provinces and Shandong.


Development of construction, led to the eastern part of the community where the economic and social development and infrastructure improvement, Hao Carpenterju wei the overall transformation of old villages, not only break a self-transformation of the new Old Village Road, and will build a new urban residents in the eastern part of New Area.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
