英语人>网络例句>东方的 相关的搜索结果


与 东方的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So it was with a certain ebullience that 7,000 residents of Wuhan recently gathered at the Orient Lucky City racecourse to indulge in what the central leadership terms a "social evil".


More particularly, it recognizes the authority of the ecumenical councils at which East and West were represented together.


Rendering the Third World, the West, the East, and science in essentialist terms makes them 'timeless and radically alien' relative to their opposed terms.


Orient., II; The Conflict of Severus, by ATHANASIUS, Ethiopic text with English transl., ed.

东方。 ,二;的冲突塞维鲁,由亚他那修,埃塞俄比亚与英文文本译。主编。

Associate Professor. NBECT Examinant. She worked as a secretary and interpreter for Wuqiangxi Hydropower Project, Impregilo Construction Co. Ltd. and Shenzhen Chiwan Sembawang Engineering Co. Ltd. after graduation in 1993. From May 1999 to June 2002 she served as Chief Secretary in Dongfang Electric Corporation, the Contractor engaged in the execution of Works under WAPDA Contract C-03: Power Complex of World Bank financed Ghazi-Barotha Hydropower Project for the Federal Government of Pakistan.

全国商务英语等级认证考试培训师和考官,长沙民政职业技术院应用外语系涉外事务管理教研室主任,英语教指委精品课程《文秘英语》课程负责人。1993年7月大学毕业分配至中国水电八局国际部,负责涉外工程的投标工作,先后在湖南省五强溪水电站、四川省二滩水电站C-01标意大利Impregilo公司、深圳赤湾胜宝旺工程有限公司从事翻译、文秘工作,于1999-2002年前往巴基斯坦国任中国东方电气集团公司Ghazi-Barotha水电站 C-03标总秘。

Excelsior Gardens is located in Pudong Dongfang Road Long Yang Road high-class residential district of the central location.


"Worshipping Red-- Contemporary Photography of Zhang KeXin", Gallery F-Stop, Bangkok, Thailand.

2004年,《东方红色的崇拜—张可欣当代摄影艺术展》,Gallery F-Stop,曼谷,泰国。

China Eastern, the feeblest of the Middle Kingdom's big three airlines, has two big problems.


Predators look down from the top of the water, as the black back of the fish and river mud the same color, it was hard to find; natural enemies from the water at the bottom up, due to the days of color and white fish maw Almost, so it is difficult to be found; often see some article described the early morning hours of "float to the surface of the East Yu Dubai," This is the reason.


In the project of Dongfang-Yangpu-Haikou Long Distance Transportation Pipeline Crossing through Changhua River, the construction technique of launch way with slide boards is utilized, that is, the pulley block fixed on opposite bank tows the pipeline directly. The pulley block of a 32t low speed windlass successfully towed the integral pipeline section through the river.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
