英语人>网络例句>东方的 相关的搜索结果


与 东方的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Papers main contents include the following:First of all,Marx\'s theory of oriental absolutism outlined.


Foreign currency reserves will finance the Eastern acquisition of Western assets.


Oriental art design is a set of management, human resources, technology, education in one of the professional advertising agency.


Its afflux was to the east.


China is a eastern country with age-old history.


On this point, China Eastern Airlines also have a full understanding of the management.


Yeah, and I'm three miles east of Alamo Island.

" / "是的,而且我是三哩白杨岛的东方。

Miles Aldridge: I have always found inspiration in eastern art. I like chinese drawing and painting for it's pure approach to life.


The acid volcanic rocks of the Early Cretaceous Shangkuli Formation belong to continental crust anatexis type ones (S-type volcanic rocks) and may have formed by compression and migration of the Indian-Australia plate toward the NNE and delamination of the lower crust caused by the lithospheric extension in eastern China.


I dislike hearing although "明日は来ゐから"is very perfect, for you is a difficulty -- just because the Japanese level didn't enough. I dislike hearing "The Secret Code" was finished when you had a cold. I also dislike hearing because of work you didn't care the illness. I hate when someone had stomached he still say "nothing" then lean against friend's shoulder say "very painful". I want to eternally hear "123, hello everyone, we are ". I want to see wherever you go, you can be prized by another singers. I want to see in the Golden Disk Awards, you hugged on the stage. I like hear you use "Super Mary" or other words to make a noise. But in fact, I really hope 5 persons can gather together and act carefully for us. It beyond all the words and actions. 6 years, TVXQ! hadn't been an easy name any more. It means many movements which can't tell to others.

我不愿听《明日再来》即使那么美、完成度那么高,但对你们来说仍是无尽的困难--只因日语水平不够;我不愿听众人肯定的《 Secret Code 》是你们集体感冒时完成的;我也不愿听到因为忙碌感冒发烧也不顾;更不愿听某人犯胃病时硬撑着说没事而后躺在朋友的肩膀上说&真的很痛苦&……我愿听到永不厌倦的&123,大家好,我们是东方神起&;我愿看到何时何地都受前辈爱戴的五个人;我愿看到在金唱片上帅气发言后五人抱在一起时的兄弟情;我还爱看到彼此拿& Super Mary &或用外国问候语相互拌嘴时乱七八糟的模样……我最最期望的是能看到五人同站在舞台上为我们表演,那比任何甜言蜜语、任何撩人的舞步都重要。6年的时间,&东方神起&已不再是一个简单的名字,更多承载的是一些说不清道不明的感动。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
