英语人>网络例句>东方的 相关的搜索结果


与 东方的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beijing East provide a series of service for purifying and desalting water on residential building, civicism, commercial and industrial activity etc.


After empirically proving the incommensurability between Mou and Hall and Ames' typologies, this thesis will then inquire into the motive and context behind the Third-Generation New Confucians' belief that Mou and Hall and Ames' typologies are "commensurable," and their characterizing these two typologies with the aforementioned value-laden dichotomies.


The evaluation process of Dongfang terminal second stage decarbonization unit was introduced by Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology.


We found 110 Kentish Plover nests in 8 sites, total area 22.74 ha, in Shengshi, Changhua during mid-April to mid-May. The hatching success of 89.09% was high compared to other studies. Thirty-six experimental artificial nests were set for a two weeks period in May to examine the effects of predators and rainfall. Among the 12 unsuccessful nests, 6 were flooded, 4 were abandoned, and 2 were predated. Successful nests and unsuccessful nests showed no difference in distance to nearest road and distance to nearest vegetation line.

调查从四月中旬至五月中旬於样区共追踪110巢东方环颈鴴的孵化情形,并於五月份设置36个人工试验巢进行两星期的追踪以了解捕食和降雨对孵化成功率的影响程度。110巢东方环颈中有98巢成功孵化,孵化成功率高达89.09%,以Mayfield Method 估算之孵化成功率亦高达83.53%,未孵化的12巢中,有6巢是因降雨淹水而失败,4巢是亲鸟弃巢,2巢被捕食。

Chinese people stood up, but the western tobacco empire that is a delegate with the United States did not abandon grabbing from beginning to end Oriental fortune, sell the nicotian product that home boycotts by severity toward east through all sorts of all sorts of channel, methods, the main sale market that shows the Chinese market on the world to already became American tobacco, sales volume of its imported cigarette is breaking up quickly litre.


This is not allowed in Toho.Thus i hope that I will still be a proud and conscious member of Toho when i am 25,performing on stage while putting on our best image at all times.


Chalcedon ( 451 ). The Eastern and Western churches still formally share the tradition of subsequent Christological developments, even though the famous formula of Chalcedon,"one person in two natures," is given different emphases in the East and West.

东方与西方教会仍正式份额的传统,随后基督论的发展,即使著名的公式chalcedon ,&一人有两种性质&,是由于不同的侧重点,在东方和西方。

Sometimes, indeed, the conclusions of the Eastern disputants became so important that every man''s assent to them, or dissent from them, had to be recorded, and then the West was introduced to the results of Eastern controversy, which it generally acquiesced in without interest and without resistance.


Chicago's new six-acre Park at Lakeshore East Is the centerpiece and identity of the 28-acre Lakeshore East along Lake Michigan.

芝加哥的新六英亩公园在 Lakeshore 东方沿着湖密西根州是中心装饰品和 28亩英亩的 Lakeshore 的相同东方。

Cultural theory from the metaphysical level in terms of Western culture is also a "take-ism" as the value orientation is to the Western theory as a guide, to transform traditional Oriental thinking academic, or to the East and China, to set academic ideas into the procrustean the framework of Western academic thought.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
