英语人>网络例句>东方的 相关的搜索结果


与 东方的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What is striking about the manuscript is its aim at picturesqueness and movement, and the wholly Oriental character of the design and especially of the costumes of the personages (the women wear the tall head-dress and veil of the bas- reliefs of Palmyra) and of the architectural backgrounds (bulbous cupolas alternating with pedimented buildings).


And in the aspect of ecocritical exploration, we can feel that the poets pursue unfailingly the correspondence of natural imagery with the human being, and pay a great attention to unhuman forms of lives and the substantial environment. And the author also considers that such Eastern idea as oneness of Heaven and Man doubtlessly plays an important role for some poets to form their ecological concept of nature.


China, a spiritual superpower in the East, upon a very convenient and comfortable occasion brought by a mistake that American missiles made on May 7 1999, with 5000 years of inbred arrogance of moral superiority behind him, is abusing his advantages of morality and power of history, so much so that he is applying these to America, a virgin pure from and untrodden by principles of this or that kind.


Madam,an hour before the worshipp'dsun Peer'dforth the golden window of the east,A troubled mind draveme to walk abroad;Where,underneath the groveof sycamore That westward rootethfrom the city's side,So early walking did I see your son:Towards him I made,but he was ware of me And stoleinto the covertof the wood:I,measuring his affectionsby my own,That most are busied when they're most alone,Pursuedmy humournot pursuing his,And gladly shunn'dwho gladly fled from me.


The neon and concrete were there in greater abundance than even she had imagined, but so too were bottomless baths, love burgers, long-tailed cocks, musical toilet rolls, oriental Elvis's, cardboard police and a sense of fun belying the population's rigourous work ethic.


This Oriental spirit -- Attis of Asia Minor, Istar of Babylonia, Isis of Egypt, with the astrological and cosmogonic lore of the Asiatic world -- first sore beset by Ahuramazda in the East, and then overwhelmed by the Divine greatness of Jesus Christ in the West, called a truce by the fusion of both Parseeism and Christianity with itself.

东方的精神-阿提斯小亚细亚, i star的巴比伦, I SIS的埃及,与星座和c osmogonic知识的亚洲世界-第一喉咙痛困扰ah uramazda在东部地区,然后所压倒神的伟大耶稣基督在西方所谓的停火协议,由双方的融合parseeism和基督教与本身。

It takes us on a journey through time, from the 《golden era》 of Pericles in classical Athens, to the grave of Phillip in Vergina and Alexander the Great's legendary capital, Pella, in Northern Greece, the infamous base of the Greek civilisation, in its ventures towards the East.


Before the outer gates sprawled the pale band of the Wealdhelm Road; on Simon's right it meandered gradually north to the hills; on his left it companioned the river Ymstrecca through the farmlands below Swertclif, past Falshire on the far bank, and ultimately to the grasslands of the East.

在外城墙的那些城门前面,蜿蜒伸展的,是如同苍白的带子似的,Wealdhelm 路;这条路在Simon的右侧,逐渐蔓延向北方的那些山峦;在Simon的左侧,这条路沿着Ymstrecca河,一同穿过Swertclif下面的田野,在远方,途经Falshire,最终伸展到了东方的草原。

In the early stage of her career her image was a little bit tomboy and sexy (making herself the "Madonna of Hong Kong" with her flamboyant on-stage persona), and some of her songs were considered too risqué, with one of them,"Bad Girl", actually being banned for airplay due to its suggestive content.


There were sailor dolls, soldier dolls, beautiful girl dolls, bride dolls, fairy dolls, and best of all, foreign dolls. Dolls from almost every country in the world: sultry velvet-eyed maidens, from the East, dark-haired vivacious senoritas from Spain, and prim little Dutch girls in clogs.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
