英语人>网络例句>丘脑的 相关的搜索结果


与 丘脑的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Putamen, thalamus and cerebellum were found to involve in the cognitive process of Chinese characters.


The part of the brain that lies below the thalamus, forming the major portion of the ventral region of the diencephalon and functioning to regulate bodily temperature, certain metabolic processes, and other autonomic activities.


The thr ee-dcimensional form and position of the reconstructed thalamus have reference value to the stereotaxic technique of encephalon.


Con clusion :The thr ee-dcimensional form and position of the reconstructed thalamus have reference value to the stereotaxic technique of encephalon.


Conventional MR could be an effective method in the demonstration of the normal and abnormal mamillothalamic tract, fornix and mamillary body.


ResultsAll the normal and abnormal mamillothalamic tract and mamillary body could be easily demonstrated on conventional MR T2WI.

结果 在常规MRI轴面T2WI上可以清楚显示所有正常健康志愿者的乳头丘脑束、穹窿及乳头体。

When aborted rats were injected with 10 IU/g IFN-γin group D, compared with group A, expression of TNF-αinmmuopositive substance in the nucleus pre-opticus medialis, nucleus supra-opticus, nucleus pre-opticus mango celluaris, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami, nucleus arcuatus hypothalami were highly increased, conversely, the ones in the nucleus pre-opticus suprachiasmaticus, neurohypophsis, adenohypophysis, ovary were obviously decreased, the change in the uterus was not remarkable; Compared with group B, expression of TNF-αin the arcuatus hypothalami was obviously enhanced, while in the nucleus pre-opticus suprachiasmaticus, nucleus pre-opticus mango celluaris, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami, neurohypophsis, pars intermedia, ovary, the results were on the contrary, the uterus had no significantly variation; Compared with group C, expression of TNF-αin the nucleus pre-opticus medialis, nucleus supra-opticus, nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami, nucleus arcuatus hypothalami, adenohypophysis and pars intermedia had an obviously risen trend, however, the variation in the nucleus pre-opticus suprachiasmaticus, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, neurohypophsis, pars intermedia, follicle and corpus luteum was completely opposite, uterus had no obviously change.

外源腹腔注射10 IU/g IFN-γ后,同A组相比:D组TNF-α免疫阳性产物在下丘脑视前内侧核、视上核、视前大细胞核、室周核、室旁核、弓状核显著增高,在视交叉上核显著降低,在其它核团较A组无显著差异,在神经垂体、垂体前叶、卵巢中阳性产物表达均较A组显著降低,在子宫中的表达较A组变化不明显;同B组相比:D组TNF-α免疫阳性产物在弓状核显著增高,在视交叉上核、视前大细胞核、室周核、室旁核、腹内侧核、背内侧核、神经垂体、垂体中间部、卵巢各部阳性物质表达均显著降低,在子宫表达变化不显著;同C组相比:D组下丘脑视前内侧核、视上核、室旁核、弓状核、垂体前叶与中间部均显著增高,在视交叉上核、室周核、神经垂体、卵泡、黄体中均显著降低,子宫中表达变化不明显。

After +10 Gz5 min exposure,degenerated neurons were found in cortex, hippocampus and thalamus regions while the number of degenerated neurons were obviously decreased in such areas in pre-exposure groups with repeated +4 Gz3 min for 3~5 times.

而经过+4 Gz3 min 3 次和5次预暴露再作+10 Gz5 min暴露组,变性神经元的数目在顶叶皮层、梨状皮层、海马和丘脑下部等部位明显减少。

Results 7 patients accept skull CT/or MRI,There were 5 patients who had caudate nucleus and putamen injury in differ 3patients had Thalamus injury 2 patients were watershed with temporal-occipital lobe symptoms of all patients were able to control by take orally Haloperidol and Nitrazepam.

节果 7例均行头颅CT/或MRI检查,其中5例不同程啡累及尾状核和壳核,累及丘脑者3例,2例为累及颞枕叶的分水岭梗死,所有患者口服氟哌啶醇和硝基安定治疗,症状均能得到控制。

Therefore, it is concluded that there are convergences of tactile information at the ventroposterolateral nucleus of rats.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
