英语人>网络例句>丘脑的 相关的搜索结果


与 丘脑的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The Fos reactive products were distributed in the piriform cortex,accumbens nucleus,bed nucleus of stria terminalis, cingulate gyrus,nucleus of diagonal band, hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, arcuate nucleus, central amygdaloid, subfornical organ, paraventricular thalamic nucleus, lateral habenular nucleus,ventrolateral part of the central gray,lateral parabrachial nucleus,locus ceruleus,medullary visceral zone.

结果 Fos阳性产物分布于梨状皮质、伏核、终纹床核、扣带回、斜角带核、下丘脑室旁核、视上核、视交叉上核、弓状核、中央杏仁核、穹窿下器、丘脑室旁核、外侧缰核、中脑中央灰质腹外侧区、脑桥臂旁外侧核、蓝斑、延髓内脏带等脑区,而在大脑白质及小脑中无明显的密集分布区。

GABA-ergic neuron may involve in the modulation of acetylcholine releasing in spinal cord and in the thermoregulation in preoptic area and anterior hypothalamus,which may lead to the TPM related hypohidrosis.


The results showed that in addition to ACTH_(1-39)-immunoreactive neurons found in the infundibular nucleus of the hypothalamus which were identical with the previous reports, negafivt ACTH_(1-39)immunoreactive neurons were also found in paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei.


HVc received projections from medial nucleus magnocellularis of the anterior neostriatum,nucleus interfacialis of midneostriatum,telencephalie auditory nucleus-field L,nucleus uvaeformis of the thalamus,and locus ceruleus of the pons.


Objective To discuss and summarize the neuropsychological disorders of thalamic lesions.


Objective To explore the neuropsychological disorders and its mechanism of tuberothalamic artery infarction.


They include cerebellum,cerebral cortex,hypothalamus, mesencephalon, and pons.A few of positive cells could be seen in the medulla oblongata. NADPH-d positive neurons appears blue.Their shapes were diversform such as polygon,fusiform,nummular and oval etc. Karyon hasn't pigmentation. Dendriate and axon's pigmentation are clear.


⑴There are NOS/ER positive neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, periventricular nucleus and lateral hypothalamic area.⑵The double-labeled neurons were mostly distributed in the medial dorsal and lateral dorsal of supraoptic nucleus and in the medial parvicellular, ventral zone. They were extensive slightly,but scattered in lateral hypothalamic area, sporadic in the periventricular nucleus.

1在大鼠下丘脑视上核、室旁核、下丘脑外侧区及室周核均有NOS与ER双染神经元分布。2 NOS与ER双染神经元主要集中分布在视上核的背内侧和背外侧部及室旁核小细胞部腹内侧区,在下丘脑外侧区分布较广但比较分散,室周核呈散在分布。

objective to investigate the phonatory characteristics before and after posteroventral pallidotomy and ventrointermediate thalamic nucleus lesioning in parkinson disease patients.

目的 研究帕金森病病人在单侧苍白球腹后部毁损术、丘脑腹中间核毁损术前后的发音状况。

Compared to the controls, the patients exhibited decreased ReHo mainly in the precuneus, medial prefrontal cortex, bilateral middle temporal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus; while the increased ReHo was mainly distributed in the subthalamus.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


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