英语人>网络例句>世纪 相关的搜索结果


与 世纪 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The family arrived in the UK in the 1990s and claimed political asylum.

这家人 20 世纪 90 年代来到英国要求政治避难。

In the saxon kingdom of wessex, king alfred (871 -99) and his successors did much to keep english alive by using it as the language of education and learning; by the tenth century there was a considerable amount of english prose and verse literature.

在西撒克斯的撒克逊王国,阿尔弗雷德国王(871至899年)及其后继者们通过把英语作为教育和学术语言,不遗余力地维持英语的活力。至10 世纪,用英语写作的散文和诗歌文学已有相当的数量了。

The bell tower dates from the 11th century and is the oldest in the Romanesque style that still exists.

这钟楼可追溯到 11 世纪,是现存的罗马式风格中最古老的。

This other type of football, in which the ball is handled as well as kicked, was first played at Rugby School, became popular in the 1860s, and is today colloquially known as 'rugger'.

补充听力 UNIT6 这另外一种不仅用脚踢还用手传的新式足球,最初是在橄榄球学校里玩,流行于 19 世纪 60 年代,如今人们通俗称为"英式橄榄球"。

Imagine you can see the sea a mile below you .Well,if japanese architects find enough money,you'll be able to live in a building like that in the 21st century.

Imagine 下,如果日本建筑师发现足够的金钱, you'll 能居住在一个大厦象那在21 世纪

In the mid-1880s, aluminum was a semi-precious metal, scarcer than silver.

世纪 80 年代中期,铝是半贵重金属,比银还稀有。

They were, as a group, semiliterate, proud,and stubborn, as dogged in their insistence on their own way of life as pine roots cracking granite to grow.

北美的边远地区改变了18 世纪 50 年代拓荒者的一些特点,而强化了他们的另一些特点。

A later work, The Holy Family by Domenico Beccafumi, is a rare example of 16th-century Sienese art.

一个较迟的工作, Domenico Beccafumi 的神圣家庭,是一个第 16 世纪 Sienese 艺术的稀有例子。

The film is set in 1920s Italy and the title character is a bounty hunter who fights air pirates and an American soldier of fortune.

电影在 20 世纪 20 年代意大利中设置的标题的字符,如战斗空气盗版者和一个美国的战士的财富的丰富猎人。

The rolling tide of information and globalization with incomparable power has brought humankind into the span-new 21st century and a span-new era—knowledge economy era.

滚滚而来的信息化与全球化浪潮以无与伦比的巨大力量把人类带进崭新的 21 世纪,带进一个崭新的时代——知识经济时代。

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"Politeness requires seven or eight minutes" of conversation, says Letitia Baldrige, a former social secretary to Jacqueline Kennedy and the author of Taste: Acquiring What Money Can't Buy (Truman Talley Books,$25, www.amazon.com).

&交谈中的礼貌不过八分钟&,这是杰奎琳。肯尼迪的前社交秘书Letitia Baldrige的话。同样她还是《品位:获得钱买不到的东西》一书的作者(Truman Talley Books公司,$25, www.amazon.com )。

Eugen Spitznagel, co-author of the IAB study, the first attempt to put a price tag on Berlin's short-shift scheme, said the decision to cover part of the labour costs of companies that hold on to otherwise redundant workers would cost businesses 5bn this year, with the government putting up 6bn.

IAB 是第一家试图给德国政府出台的短时轮班计划贴上价格标签的机构。其研究报告的作者之一尤金·斯皮兹纳戈尔表示,对坚持不裁员的公司予以部分资助的决策,可能使企业今年增加50亿欧元成本,而政府将承担60亿欧元。

He striped off and dived into the water.
