英语人>网络例句>与众不同的 相关的搜索结果


与 与众不同的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Children will relate to this predicament as the newcomer to a game frequently ousts the originator and takes over. In spite of this they become playmates. In fact, Dan's sister's imagination clearly comes into play as the adventure increases in its complexity to include 'pirate clowns juggling plates, while others sing sea-shanties, tell truth-whispering tales and feast on pig, yams and fig'.

但孩子们常会面临新加入的玩伴时常会剥夺起源者的权力并接管整个游戏的处境,尽管这样,他们还是成为很好的玩伴,事实上,正当其他小孩在唱著水手歌,说著海上故事和享受猪肉,马铃薯和无花果大餐, Dan的姊姊,脑海里却浮现了日益复杂和与众不同的剧情&小丑海盗表演牌子杂耍&。

All these events have been chronicled elsewhere, but what distinguishes Mr Lacey's account is his use of Saudi voices—many of them, even in this most reticent of cultures, on the record—to anatomise a deeply rooted culture of intolerance.


And while parents might want to give their children a distinctive label so that they stand out from the crowd, they should also consider the long-term psychological effects. A 190s study of psychiatric records found that those with unusual names were more likely to be diagnosed psychotic, while recent research has shown that boys with the least popular names are more likely to coit crime.


Although she starred in films such as Final Analysis, Jennifer 8, Mad, Dog and Glory, and Even Cowgirls Get The Blues, it was her role as the offbeat, cocaine-junkie Mia Wallace in Pulp Fiction that garnered Uma an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting actress.


Constrained by the inherent textual property of bilingual dictionaries, their translation has its unique features:(1)methods such as omission and conversion are not allowed in translating the headwords;(2)the stimulus from the source language text in the translation is much stronger than in translation of other texts, as the target language text i...


Play 3D pool head-to-head against your friends or match yourself up against different hustlers on the World Tour as you try to go pro.


" But a sly friend whispered to him:"The less noise you make, the better; your mark of distinction if no reward of merit, but a badge of disgrace!


This male exhibits a head that carries the distinctive "cap" with a widow's peak and black on back and edges of his ears and is sabled around his longer neck ruff with some sabling over the body, down the back and on the hair covering the tailset.


The opening title track of this fine and varied pop flamenco collection would be brilliant if not for one thing — you could swear you were listening to an outtake from any recent album by rumba flamenco master Ottmar Liebert .

在这张杰出并结合多元化流行因素的弗拉门戈精选辑中,开场单曲将会是清亮的,即便不是首先——你敢说,你正在听伦巴弗拉门戈大师Jesse Cook最新专辑的废弃版本。在某种程度上,这是一种赞扬,因为这张专辑狂野、充满活力,总体上,比最流行的新弗拉门戈偶像Ottmar Liebert更加具有吸引力。这一切说明,Linstead尝试一些Cook极少尝试的与众不同的东西。

He was continually hearing phrases, such as,"With your exceptionally kindly disposition"; or,"Considering your excellent heart"; or,"You are so pure-minded yourself, count …" or,"If he were as clever as you," and so on, so that he was beginning genuinely to believe in his own exceptional goodness and his own exceptional intelligence, the more so, as at the bottom of his heart it had always seemed to him that he really was very good-natured and very intelligent.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
