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与 与...竞争 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Has been able to produce cellulosic ethanol in mass quantities at a cost that can compete with corn ethanol.


Dealers in certain regions complained about having to compete with other CEM dealers for product sales.


In the more and more intensive accountant office market in china, shaanxi Huaxia Certified Public Accountant is facing many opportunities and threats.


The Director General of the Institute of Cetacean Research said that there is "an urgent scientific need to collect data on the competition between whales and fisheries."


Facing the trend of complicated, changefully international marketing, and globalization quicken constantly, to implement "Go out"stratagem, to encourage conditional private enterprises investing overseas, participating in international economy competition and cooperation, is the important means to hasten Chinese industry configuration optimization and to promote the ability of private enterprises in international competition.


Facing the trend of complicated, changefully international marketing, and globalization quicken constantly, to implement "Go out"stratagem, to encourage conditional private enterprises investing overseas, participating in international economy competition and cooperation, is the important means to hasten Chinese industry configuration optimizat


Chaperonage economy of fly to develop soon with with this corresponds of society compete of turn worse increasingly, social people to education, is the concern degree of the farmer sons and daughters' education is more and more high particularly


It was found that the competition between cluster-cluster and cluster-surface interaction strongly affects the chemisorption configuration, and thus the film morphology.


In view of this fact a Protestant historian, Molmier, in writing of the Friars Preachers, remarks:"They were not content with professing in their convents all the divisions of science, as it was then understood; they added an entire order of studies which no other Christian schools of the time seem to have taught, and in which they had no other rivals than the rabbis of Languedoc and Spain""Guillem Bernard de Gaillac et l'enseignement chez les Dominicains", Paris, 1884, p.

鉴於这一事实一名基督教历史学家, molmier ,在写作的方济各会士传教士,备注:"他们不是内容与空头在修道院所有分部的科学,因为它是那麼地理解;增添了一整秩序的研究报告没有任何其他基督教学校的时候,似乎已经告诉,并在它们没有其他竞争对手比拉比的朗格和西班牙"(下称" guillem伯纳德德gaillac等l' enseignement chez dominicains就业辅导组",巴黎, 1884年,第30页)。

After certain this route, we design the business enterprise image system for it successively, body now the profession concept of the life and health;The subsequent product packs the design circumambience market target consumption exhibitions to open, setting up the market from the competition target of the opponent business enterprise investigation beginning, end assurance design way of thinking and direction.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
