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与 与...竞争 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through the study of Jetta car's business action, find the way to compete for superiority.


The paper find that the behavior of competitive brand could not only influent the quality of relationship between consumer and certain brand, but also could medicate the influence between different component of brand knowledge and relationship quality.


The Chinese government had committed to a gradual cancellation of all 1 imits on the foreign capital retail trade in the agreement with the America and EU countries, that the connection of domestic and foreign competitions turns to be the main trend, and it would be an aboil contest.


Value is lower, CEO's stock-based compensation significantly rise. Moreover, combining the results of the cash- and stock-based compensation contracts shows that when CEO is a risk averter and the product market is more competitive i.e.

在产品市场竞争程度与薪酬绩效敏感性方面,於高阶主管股票薪酬契约中,结果偏向支持「风险差异化假说」,显示当产品市场竞争程度愈大时,高阶主管较顾虑风险之考量,因而降低其股票薪酬与会计、市场绩效间之正关联性,此亦较符合Hart (1983)之理论研究。

The third chapter aims to discuss the self-organization essence, self-organization growth mechanism, the pattern of self-organization evolving growth.The fourth chapter aims to discuss particularly the correlative mechanism between clusters dynamic core capacity and clusters sustainable growth, and the obtaining of cluster sustainable competitive advantage basede on dynamic core capacity and the fostering and newing of cluster dynamic core capacity based on discussing the rigid competitive advantage. The fifth chapter aims to explain the effecting mechanism of government influencing cluster self-organization-evolvement and the fostering and upgrading of cluster dynamic capacity based on the theory gist of government surpports .The sixth chapter aims to analyse the High-tech industrial clusters of Silicon Valley in American and Low piezoelectricity cluster of Liu shi in zhengjiang province and explains to how self-organization , dynamic core capacity and government surpports effect industrial clusters sustainable gowth.The dissertation's main innovation lies in the following :mechanism model of cluster sustainable growth is constructed under dynamic environment based on self-organization theory and dynamic core capacity theory .


Referring to the analyzing methods of Poter's Diamond and the enterprise\s competitive strategy, this paper has tried to form an analysis framework of the regional competitive strategy.


However,the number of events and frequency of copulation between the biotype B and ZHJ2 decreased significantly compared with those between females and males of a given biotype being placed in one arena, demonstrating a degree of pre-mating partial reproductive isolation between these two biotypes.Although some of the adults of the biotype B and ZHJ2 copulated with each other,mated females produced only male progeny,demonstrating a post-mating complete isolation in reproduction between the two biotypes in cases where copulation has happened.


Mr Sarkozy tried to assuage American suspicions of Europe's military ambitions—which Mr Chirac regarded as a means of rivalling NATO and countering American power—by stressing that "progress on European defence is in no way a competition with NATO".


In the fMRI data analysis, the comparison of non-social related actions, translocating Tetris blocks versus rotating Tetris blocks, there is more obvious brain activation in fusiform gyrus no matter in competitive or non-competitive trial. And the comparison of social related actions, scoring /punished lines versus scoring 1 line, we found some regions such as right inferior parietal lobe and superior temporal gyrus more obvious in the interaction condition as the previous paper which might be related to competition.

在功能性的磁振造影资料分析里,非社会有关的行为如位移和旋转俄罗斯方块的比较,无论竞争或非竞争状况下,旋转俄罗斯方块在fusiform gyrus均有较明显活化;社会有关的行为如得多分或被罚扣分与只得一分比较,我们找到一些区域如右后顶叶及上颞叶在相互作用状态过程中较为显著,如同之前研究论文中提及这些区域可能与竞争性有关系。

The reality, she added, is that Yahoo's competition is not with the Yelps and Microsofts of the world but with offline advertising.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
